Chapter 5

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I left to get more days on my visa. I didn't tell anyone because I didn't want anyone to follow me. I was heading over to a dojo that I had seen. It was glowing with lights. I grabbed my handheld gun and a few rounds of ammo before entering the building. I didn't bother looking behind me, knowing that more people from outside the beach were going to follow me.

I did a quick braid and then tied my hair into a bun knot as soon as I stepped into where the game was. A few other people were there. A high schooler that seemed to just got to this hellhole of a world, a man who seemed high on drugs and a few others that I didn't pay any attention to. The game was starting soon, seeing as the phones near the middle started lighting up.

I picked one up, only for the drugged up guy to try and grab it from my hand. I pointed my gun right in between his eyebrows, being sure to take the safety off too for extra sense of not giving a fly frick. He must have been very high, because he told me to 'just shoot him, unless I was a weakling who couldn't do it."

"Sir," I said irritated. "I can easily pull this trigger and leave a hole in your head, but that would just leave a mess of blood for me to clean up. So I suggest you sober up before I really lose my patience."

Welcome to the game. The level for this game is the 9 of spades. This game is called Life vs. Death. There will be two teams. One with 'angels' and one with 'devils'. The angels must survive until the end of the game. You can kill the devils with your own weapon or you can pick one from the table. Devils, you must kill all the angels to survive.

The game will last 1 hour, so hurry and good luck.

I walked over to a door that I saw leaded upstairs. I quickly hid in a room, seeing as I'm an angel. I knew that the drugged guy was a devil. He wanted to apparently kill me for many things.

I didn't see who else was an angel, but I didn't care. All I wanted to do was survive and go back to the beach. Never thought I would think that. I escaped back into the main room of the game, and shot 7 people. They all died, or at least I thought they did.  One shot my leg right when the bell for the game to finish rang. I still won, though very injured.

I limped back to the beach, struggling to move. I was right outside the gates of the beach, seeing Ann and Niragi waiting for someone. They saw me and shouted my name, right as a hand grabbed me. It was the drugged up dumbass.

"Let go of her unless you want a bullet to the brain," Niragi growled. I was blacking out, knowing that my leg was still bleeding. Before we all could say more words, a blood curtailing scream was let out from the man. I didn't even get to see what happened, because I collapsed.

I woke up hours later in the bedroom that Usagi and I share. I felt a bandage wrapped around my leg, and of course I was restrained again. Ann walked into the room, looking at me with both concern and relief. She took out the I.V, then took the restraints off of me.

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