Ultimate Step

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"Don't worry, she's awak—" Mum was speaking to Richard behind here while holding the door open, but she stopped talking and gasped once she turned and saw John and I, bodies tangled on the bed. Uh-oh.

And Richard was staring at us with a shocked expression, looking kind of mad.

"Wha—" Mum could barely speak from the shock, "What is happening here? Why are you here John?"

We quickly sat up and got off the bed, adjusting our clothes so we looked presentable – I did not realize a strap of my tank top was off my shoulder. So embarrassing.

"I – Mr. (your last name) let me in," John said innocently.

From Mum's expression, I could tell Dad was probably in trouble, "What was just happening between you two?"

"Nothing much," I shrugged.

"Nothing?" Mum questioned, "Missy, I think—"

"Mum," I interrupted, "I'm a grown up, I can do whatever I want!"

Oops. I realized what I had just said must have given her and Richard the wrong impression. It sounded like John and I were about to... Well, I was making the situation worse.

I looked at John and he was obviously trying his best not to laugh at my choice of words. He was avoiding my eyes; he could not even look at me or he would definitely burst out laughing.

"Are you telling me that you are going to—" Mum was getting furious now.

"MUM," I said quickly before she could say it out loud; I stole a glance at Richard and noticed he looked like he would be sick, "It's not what you think it is. I was just trying to make John give my photo album back." I pointed at the album lying on the bed now.

"But it's inappropriate to get so physically close with a man," Mum hissed.

"He's my BOYFRIEND," I reminded her, "Not any other men." I could feel John shaking beside me, holding in his laughter.

She paused for a long moment and finally sighed, "Just make sure you know what you're doing," Mum surrendered under my glare, walking away, "I'll leave you three to sort it out... And remember what I think you should do, (Yn)."

"Richard..." I said softly a moment later, not daring to startle Richard in case he really got sick. He almost looked green.

"I guess I'll see you around," without a warning or any eye contact, he ran away.

And that was when all hell broke loose. John's tolerance had run out, and he was laughing like he had not been allowed to laugh for days.

"John!" I scolded, "They'll hear!"

"I - I'm sorry!" he managed to get the words out in between deep breaths, "Oh man, I know I shouldn't be laughing, for God's sake I'm also involved in all these but - HAHAHAHAHAHA!"

"Stop it!" I gave him a punch on the shoulder, "You're such an idiot!"

"Oh yes alright," his laughter subsided a little bit, "I'm an idiot, an idiot that's in love with you!" He said in an exaggerated, overly love-sick voice.

"Looks like I'm the idiot," I exhaled, attempting to walk away, "Why would I agree to this whole deal, and why would I be doing it with you?"

"Hey," John pulled me back by the waist, "I can quit anytime you know." Fake threat was laced in his tone of voice. A hint of amusement could be heard. He was also lightly tickling my stomach.

"John... I really think you should quit..." I looked down at his arm that was wrapped around my waist, "Tickling me!"

Without warning, I turned around and tackled him to the bed, and pulled my blanket over him, pinning him down.

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