If It's Meant to be, It Will Be

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I quickly went to John's house and my heart was thumping fast and hard on my way there. I kept asking the taxi driver to go faster. I could not stop imagining what would happen to John if I did not stop Liam in time. This was no longer some high school drama and I knew Liam could be scary if he wanted to be.

Finally I got to John's house and ran up to his door. I did not know where John was but the easiest way for Liam to find John was to come here so I thought they would be here. And I was right. I could see Liam's car parked outside and I could hear people yelling inside and I banged on the door feverishly.

"John!" I shouted, "Are you okay?"

No one answered me but I could hear the voices had got louder. I was close to tears and I suddenly remembered the keys to John's house in my bag. I fished them out with shaky hands and tried to unlock the door as swiftly as possible.

At last I managed to unlock the door and I let myself in and banged the door close with my leg. I then ran towards the source of sounds.

"NO! STOP!" I screamed when I got to the living room. Liam had pinned John down on the sofa and John was sitting on the sofa helplessly, being punched by Liam. Liam was yelling angrily at him and John was trying to reason with him. John could not possibly get Liam off him as Liam was much stronger than him.

"(Yn), why should I stop when he's hurt you?" Liam turned slightly to speak to me, but kept his arms on John's shoulders. I could see John was in pain.

"He hasn't," I said as calmly as possible, "Blame me, everything started because of me. Stop Liam, it has nothing to do with him."

"Why do you have to protect him when he's the one who hurts you?" Liam asked and punched John's face again. John moaned in pain.

"Stop, Liam, STOP!" I screamed and threw myself at Liam. I was surprised that I actually succeeded in moving Liam out of the way. He stepped away from John because of my push. I had used every single ounce of my body to push him away from John.

Then I fell to the floor beside John and took his face in my hands as gently as possible; I could see blood dripping from the corner of his lips as there was a scratch. It pained my heart. He did not deserve this. I deserved it. He took the punishment for me, when I was the one who should be punished.

"Are you okay?" I asked, fumbling my hands around his face. He looked tired and he was in pain.

"I'm alright," John replied and smiled weakly. He was staring at my face intently while I was scanning his body to see if he was seriously hurt. Luckily there were only a few scratches on his face. I had arrived in time.

"What are you doing (Yn)?" Liam demanded and pulled me away from John, "Leave this bastard alone!"

"LIAM!" I screamed in his face, "Can you just listen! You don't know everything! He. Has. Done. Nothing. Wrong!"

"Tell me then," Liam challenged.

I wanted to punch him but I knew he was only doing this for me. He was simply over-protective over me and he actually meant no harm.

"I – I'll tell you later... In private," I said, glancing at John. He was still staring at me and I did not want to talk about everything in front of him because I knew it would hurt him.

"Okay..." Liam said after a pause, "So... Shall we go now?"

"How about John?" I looked at John again and I saw his face lit up hopefully, "I – you – will you be okay on your own?" I asked John eventually, as I did not want to give him the wrong idea although I wanted to stay and helped him with his wounds and everything. It would only be harder for him if I showed how much I actually cared about him.

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