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“Maybe you can give the guests chocolate!” Mum pointed at some chocolate that looked nice in the catalogue.
John and I were at my house, flipping through some wedding magazines with Mum. She was being so excited about everything, and the wedding was one month away. We had decided to get married as soon as possible. And even though we did not need a huge wedding, she would not let us off the hook, so we had to do this.
“I guess so,” I said, not really paying attention.
“Oh! And how about—” she was about to tell me about some other gifts for the guests when Dad came into the room, “I’m going to talk with the manager of the venue, I’ll be back around two hours later,”
“Wait!” Mum exclaimed when Dad was about to turn around – Mum had given everyone different duties, “I’m coming with you!”
“Don’t you have to wait for Richard?” Dad turned back around and questioned Mum. Richard was meant to come over today. Like I said, he had not completely given up yet. He still came over from time to time.
“I don’t think he’ll be here this soon,” Mum said, “But anyway, (Yn) and John are here, so I can go with you.”
“Alright,” Dad went out of the room and Mum followed. We said bye to them and I stood up and went to the window to do some stretching. Sitting on the sofa all day flipping through thousands of magazines was a tiring job.
“Oh God,” I sighed, “I’m so tired!”
John came up behind me and we heard them open the front door.
“Oh Richard!” I could hear Mum’s faint voice, “You’re early!”
“Yeah,” I heard Richard reply, “I have nothing else to do, so yeah.”
“We’re heading out, but (Yn) and John are here,” then I heard them talk and decided to ignore their conversation.
“Great,” John wrapped his arms around me from behind and mumbled, “He’s here.”
I slapped his hand on my stomach, “John!”
“Shh!” he shushed me, and ignored my slap, “We’re not alone, you remember?”
“Seriously you’re so annoying,” I hissed, “Always using this excuse against me!”
“Come on,” he said, “We’re getting married soon! What’s the problem with that?”
“It’s not a real—” I said and John shut me up by spinning me around and pushing me against the wall.
“I told you!” he whispered, “We. Are. Not. Alone!”
“They’re outside!” I said, “And let go of me!”
“No,” he smiled mischievously and pulled up my legs so they were wrapped around his waist, “And it’s your fault I don’t want to let go. You still don’t get it, huh? You’re too sexy to resist when you’re angry.”
Suddenly I heard someone clearing the throat. We both looked to the source of sound with a startle – and Richard was there, staring at us with a mixed expression. I guessed I was lost in our argument that I did not hear my parents leaving.
“Oh, hi Richard,” I quickly got off of John and gave him a small wave.
He nodded at us, and we all sat down on the sofa.
It was a very awkward wait for my parents to return.

The wedding was now just a couple of days away, and I was at John’s.
“Okay, I have to say, I’m really scared,” I told John as we were watching a movie on his sofa, “I hope I’m not going to make mistakes at the wedding – there’re going to be so many people watching us!”
“You won’t,” John laughed, “I’ll make sure you won’t.”
“Hmm,” he looked thoughtful, and suddenly his face lit up, “By practicing.”
“You know, we have to kiss on our wedding day?”
“And we have never ever kissed yet,” John bit his lip.
Was he trying to say we had to practice on this? I stared at him with a disapproving face, ignoring his lip bite. After all these times I still could not get used to his sexy lip bites, so I was using every bit of my concentration on not surrendering.
“Don’t you want everything to look perfect?” he raised a questioning eyebrow.
“I don’t mind if this part doesn’t look real,”
“But this is the most important part!”
“It isn’t,”
“It is,” John said and without warning, he jumped on me. He pushed me down onto the sofa and I was now half lying on the arm rest with him on top.
“Don’t you dare,” I warned him.
“Come on, you clearly know it’s important,” he lowered his face and breathed on me, whispering seductively.
“I don’t think so, a small peck will do, it’s not like we’re going to fail on that,” I hissed and pushed on his heavy body.
“I don’t care. Kiss me,” John demanded, not budging a bit, “Now.”
“No! I’m n—”
I was still protesting when he silenced me with those soft lips of his. I was staring at him with wide eyes while he was molding his lips around mine, eyes closed. The moment our lips came into contact my heart started to flutter and my defense was now completely destroyed. My arms had gone jelly and I could no longer push him away. I was frozen in my position; I could not even breathe. I was too shocked to move.
But I had to admit, it felt good. Oh God (Yn) why were you thinking like that? You were supposed to find that annoying! Was the drama too much to bear that I was starting to lose my mind?
At last John had done with kissing me and pulled back, but kept his eyes close.
“Ah,” he sighed, “I think I’m starting to get the hang of this.”
I did not speak as I was still too stunned. The only thing that was working was my heart which was hammering fast and hard.
John opened his eyes finally and looked down at me with a happy grin, which slowly turned to a confused expression.
“(Yn),” he said, “Why are you not breathing?”
That was when I realized I was still holding my breath, so I immediately inhaled. That was much better.
John began to laugh, “Was it so good that I’ve taken your breath away?”
“NO,” I answered sternly, as I was back to my normal self now, “And would you mind getting off of me?”
“Please,” John was still laughing, “You liked that, didn’t you? Wow really, I’m beginning to love this whole pretense more and more.”
“Wait, I’m just starting to get familiar with this; I still need more practice,”
“I’m being se—”
Once again, I was cut off by John as he dived for my lips again. This time I was more used to it that I could remain calm.
After John was done, he came back up with the same happy grin.
“Can’t you get more into the act?” John asked, “When we kiss in front of everyone I can’t be the only one doing all the kissing!”
“I’m not the one who needs rehearsals, so why should I? I will do it when it’s the real thing,”
“Aww, please!” John said, “Just once, please? Or do you want to move to the sex part?”
“SERIOUSLY JOHN!” I almost yelled and to my horror, I started to blush on the thought of it.
“Oh my God are you blushing? Oh my God!” John giggled, “Are you imagining it already? You do really want me, huh?” he bent down and his hands began to trail down the sides of my body.
I blushed even more and used all my strength to push John off of my body. He tumbled to the ground and I quickly sat up, “I can’t believe you,”
“Oh, you like it rough?” John sat up and was about to bounce on me again when I dodged his attack and ran away. He chased after me and of course, caught me easily. He wrapped his arms around me from behind and I screamed.
“Ahhh go away you pervert!” I screamed.
“Are you sure?” John said, locking his hands together, “Then you’ll have to find another husband.”
“You know what I mean!”
“Okay okay,” he finally surrendered and let go of me, laughing, “Shall we sit down and go through all the last details of the wedding now?”

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