Chapter Three

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Today was the day. (Y/N) was finally gonna confess. He ignored all the doubts and anxieties plaguing his mind as he went down to the kitchen to pack the picnic he prepared last night, while Link waited outside, thinking (Y/N) was grabbing something he forgot. "(N/N), whatcha doin'?" Impa appeared in the doorway.

"Well, uh, I was thinking of going on a trip to, um, home today and thought I would bring food."

"You can't lie to me, (N/N). What's actually going on?"

The younger shyly gazed at his feet before quietly saying, "I'm gonna confess to Link."

"Really? I can't believe it! My little brother is finally gonna get a boyfriend!" She hugged her brother out of excitement.

"Shush, Impa! What if he hears? He thinks we're going to see Purah." He started putting food in the sack faster to get away from his loud sister.

"OK, OK, I'll leave you alone. Just don't stay out too late."

"I won't Impa." (Y/N) hugged her again, and ran out.

"Hi, Link, I'm back!" He attached the food to his horse before Link could see, then went off. Link followed behind, and the two traveled in comfortable silence.

Once they arrived at the Forest of Spirits, Link looked around confusingly. "Where's Purah?" There was nothing in sight other than the canopy of bright green leaves above them, and deer frolicking through the brush.

"She's not here. I just wanted to spend some time with you alone." (Y/N) admitted. Link blushed a bright red but looked away so the taller male couldn't see. "I brought some food so we can have a picnic. I thought it would be nice."

"That sounds nice, (N/N)." Link sat down on the ground while the food was brought to him. "You made all of this?" He asked, looking at the assortment of foods, there were some of his favorites, mushroom rice balls, and fish pie, along with some sauteed peppers, and for dessert, egg pudding.

"Yeah, I hope you like them." (Y/N) gave a sheepish smile, sitting beside Link, trying to figure out how close he could be without being too close.

"I can't believe you remember my favorite foods. I guess you are my best friend." He gave (Y/N) a big smile.

"About that, Link. I wanna tell you something."

Link's face dropped, does he not wanna be friends anymore? "What do you wanna tell me?" His demeanor was a lot colder, though the boy tried to hide his emotions, (Y/N) knew him too well, and he knew that.

"I don't wanna be just friends. You're so much more to me than that. I think I love you." He bit his lip and avoided eye contact, regretting having said it already.

The blond-haired boy's eyes softened, and he reached out to (Y/N) beside him, clasping the other's hands. "I don't wanna be either. I think I love you too."

Their eyes met, and they both smiled at one another. He had finally told him, and they could be together. (Y/N) leaned in, as did Link, but before the two's lips could collide, a loud explosion shook the ground. Both of them got up.

"It's the Calamity! It's happening!" Link yelled before getting on his horse, (Y/N) right behind him, both of them ready to risk their lives for their kingdom.

When they arrived, they were bombarded by monsters. This was what they were preparing for, and even though they knew it was going to be like this, the shock still ran deep in their veins, seeing the darkness that was threatening to take over the castle.

"You have to head to the sanctum where Calamity Ganon is, Zelda should be there. Help us, hero!" A general alerted Link. Not even hesitating, the knight went up the stairs, fire in his eyes. (Y/N) followed, not letting Link go out of his sight. He can't lose Link when he just got him back.

"(Y/N)." Link stopped in his tracks. He then turned around, "you have to go back, it's too dangerous."

"No! Let me go with you! I have to help you, Link!" (Y/N) glowered, angry that his new lover wouldn't let him fight by his side.

The hero looked away before turning back, making eye contact with the taller male before him. A tear streamed down his face. (Y/N)'s heart shattered at the sight of him in such pain. "Let me do this for you, OK?" He ran his hands through (Y/N)'s (H/C) hair, gently resting his hand on (Y/N)'s cheek after, making the other male put his hands on top of Link's. "I have to keep you safe. I promised myself that a long time ago." The castle rumbled once again as screams and calls of battle were echoing through the corridors.

(Y/N) silently nodded, tears threatening to fall. Link softly pressed a kiss against (Y/N)'s cheek, then his lips. Before another word could be uttered, he swiftly ran off to the Sanctum to save the kingdom.

This wasn't enough to satisfy the royal advisor. He had to go to Link, he needed to protect him. Going another way to the Sanctum, he saw nothing, no monsters, no soldiers, no Zelda, no Link. But he heard it all. Without thinking, (Y/N) cloned himself using his Shekiah abilities and busted through the giant door. That was the last thing he remembered.

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