Chapter 10

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Rachel woke up shortly after 5am and growled, because she could have slept for another hour. She couldn't remember her dream, but she figured she must have had a wild dream, because her bed was all messed up. She decided to get up even though she already hated this day. After she made her bed and decided what she wanted to wear today, Rachel walked into the bathroom and took a shower. She smelled the coffee, and knew Kurt got up, so she got out of the shower and got ready.

"Good morning." Kurt was always an early bird, not like Rachel.

"Want some coffee?"

"Morning, nothing good with that and yes please."

"Wow someone got up on the wrong side of the bed." He handed her the coffee though.

"Thanks. I'm sorry." She gladly took the coffee and sipped on it.

"You're excited to go to school today?"

"Nope, actually terrified." He just shrugged and drank some of his coffee while he walked to the bathroom. Rachel drank her coffee, while she packed her stuff in a purse, took her phone and keys. "Kurt, I'm leaving!"

"Isn't that a little early?" He came out of the bathroom.

"I don't know what else to do and maybe I'll meet Brody."

"Alright, see you after school?" She knew that he wanted to know how it went.

"Okay." So she left and walked to the subway again. She hated the subway in the morning, it was always crowded, but it was better than driving. When she arrived at school, Rachel wanted to talk to Cassandra, but before a had a chance, she met Brody.

"Hey Rach." He smiled.

"Hi Brody, how was your weekend?"

"Well, I had some fun, what about you?"

"I...had fun too." Rachel knew she didn't sound convincing, but Brody didn't ask further questions.

"That's great for you. I wanted to ask you if you might want to go and drink a coffee or something with me?" She knew he asked her out.

"Oh god Brody... I like you, I really do, but I like someone else." She flushed and couldn't look him in the eye.

"Hey, that's okay, I totally understand that. I just though since you broke up, you know." He actually didn't seem too upset, he even smiled at Rachel.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be, just tell me when you change your mind." Rachel didn't know what to say to him or what to do. "I've to go to class. See you at lunch!"

"Yah, of course." Rachel just walked to her first class.

She had three classes before dance class and all she could think about was Cassandra. It was embarrassing, in her second class the teacher asked her something and when she realized it, because everybody was looking at her, she didn't know the answer. She thought it couldn't get any worse, but she was wrong.

When she walked into the dance class, Cassandra didn't even look at her.

"Warm up guys!" Cassandra turned the music on and stepped aside to watch her students. She did not once look at Rachel and she didn't call her Schwimmer or talked to her at all for that matter.

Rachel got pretty frustrated. How's she supposed to talk to Cassandra if she wasn't talking to her? The class ended and Rachel grabbed her stuff, but when she turned around she saw Cassandra leaving.

"This woman..." Rachel got angry and quickly followed her out, but didn't know where she'd gone and right now it was lunch time so she probably left the building.

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