Chapter 42

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After that she drank some coffee and when her lips left the cup, a small smile has reached her lips. She licked her lips and it looked like slow motion, but Cassandra was sure that was just her imagination, because Rachel continued and said something, thankfully to her father, because she didn't listen, and it still was in slow motion.

At some point Cassandra knew she had to come back to reality or they would see her ogle.

"Do you want to?" Alright, she missed the point where she should have listened, because she didn't know what Rachel was asking her.

"Sure." Cassandra was hoping she didn't agree to something bad, but Rachel looked so excited about whatever it was, she didn't want to spoil the mood.

"Great. Do you need to use the bathroom or can I get ready?"

"You're not done?"

"It'll just take a few minutes."

"Sure. Go ahead." Rachel finished her coffee and put her mug in the sink, after that she left for the bedroom.

"You do realized it will take her more than a few minutes, right?" Leroy started chuckling.

"I'll just take a shower while she's doing her hair." He laughed even more about that and then it was quiet for a few moments.

"You have no idea what you agreed to, do you?" How does he know? But lying was out of the question.


"Do you want to know?"

"Do I?"

"Well, Hiram was very glad we came a few days early, because a friend of ours is having a party." Cassandra let out a relived breath; a party was something she might have agreed on if she had listened. "You seem relieved."

"Yah, I thought you wanted to go to, I don't know, Liberty Island or something like that."

"No, we've been there before."

"So, a party?"

"Yes, Rachel said her teacher is on sick leave and a few of her classes are canceled."

"I see." Now it was Cassandras time to chuckle, but she hid it quickly and finished her coffee as well, she had to get ready soon anyways. "Does Hiram wake up anytime soon?"

"We'll see."

"Rachel and I have to leave soon and you'd be alone."

"Oh, that's fine. I'll just read your book."

"I don't have any real food, but there's some of Rachel's stuff. I don't know if you eat that, but there's a grocery store nearby, I can give you some-" She got her wallet to give them some money, Cassandra knew she wasn't a good host, but she didn't want to just leave them in her place without real food.

"No, thank you."

"Okay. I'll take a shower now." She knew there was no point in arguing, shed just leave some money on the coffee table with a set of keys.

"I told you it takes her more than a few minutes."

"Yes, you did." Cassandra left the kitchen with a slight smile. They weren't best friends, but they didn't need to be, as long as they could get along. She walked through the bedroom into the bathroom and Rachel was standing in front of the mirror. "Just a few minutes, huh?"

Rachel was smiling at her, while doing her makeup. They both had to leave soon and Cassandra didn't want to wait for Rachel to eventually be done, so she stripped down all her clothes to finally take a shower.

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