Chapter 28

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Almost half an hour later, when she was finished in the bathroom, she heard that Kurt had turned on some music; so she sat on the couch and just listened. Kurt was busy with something. He was constantly walking around, it was a bit annoying, but when Rachel closed her eyes, she could block it out.

A while later Kurt sat next to her and when she opened her eyes and looked at him, he held her phone out for her. "It's more than an hour now."



"Okay, okay. I'll call her." Kurt wouldn't stop to push on the subject, that was clear, so Rachel took her phone from him. As soon as she had grabbed it, it rang. Kurt was just as startled as Rachel. He started laughing though, when Rachel let it fall down. "Kurt!"


"It's not funny." Before she bends down to pick it up, Rachel gave him a look.

"Yes, it is." With that and still chuckling, he walked to his room. Without looking and before the call stopped, Rachel quickly answered the phone.



"Yeah?" The voice sounded familiar, but Rachel couldn't put it together yet.

"Hey, it's Ajax."

"Wh-, oh, hi. Where did you get my number?"

"Oh, I... Um." His stumbling confused Rachel.

"Okay but, you can't tell Cassandra. I borrowed her phone at the exhibition and looked it up."

"That's...odd...and a little creepy. You could've asked me for my number." And he should have lied about how he got her number.

"Yah, but we didn't have a good start and Cassandra can be, you know, difficult."

"No, I don't know, but I don't think you called so we could talk about Cassandra." Of course she knew what he meant, but she sure as hell was not going to team up with her girlfriends brother against her girlfriend.

"Yes, of course not. Actually I called to ask you out to dinner."

"I...really don't think that is appropriate." The word 'appropriate' caught Kurt's attention and he was quickly to Rachel's side. Rachel put Ajax on speaker, so Kurt wouldn't need to put his ear to the phone.

"No, no, no. I didn't mean us two, I meant with Cassandra."

"Um, I don't know, what did Cassandra say?"

"Well, I haven't asked her yet." He emphasized the word 'yet'. "I wanted to ask you first." Kurt raised his eyebrow in disbelief and that was exactly how Rachel felt too.

"You shouldn't have."

"Why not?"

"It just doesn't feel right."

"Okay, I will ask Cassandra, but maybe you can try to make her receptive."

"And why would I do that? And why would you ask me and I don't think you can ask such a thing from me. You should talk to your sister not to me. Maybe, if you wouldn't go behind her back, you wouldn't have to ask me to convince her to meet you." Rachel was angry and, even though she often felt that she missed something by being an only child, situations like that made her grateful for being one.

"I'm sorry-"

"Me too, it was nice talking to you but I have to go. Good bye." Without waiting for his respond she hung up.

"What the hell was that?"

"Don't ask me." She wanted reassurance. "Seriously, that was inappropriate right?"

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