Chapter 32

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Cassandra decided to make breakfast, and think about the phone call with her mother, and wake Rachel afterwards. There weren't many things she could do though, because Rachel doesn't eat scrambled eggs and bacon or pancakes or waffles. Well, maybe she does, but Cassandra was not going to do any of this with soy-milk. She cut a few vegetables and an apple and a peach in pieces instead and arranged them nicely on a plate.

"Aww, that's so sweet."

"What the hell?!" Cassandra almost let the plate fall, but managed to get a good grip on it and turned around. Rachel was standing in the door frame.

"Girl, don't do that again. Ever."

"I thought you know I'm here."

"I didn't." She put Rachel's down and her own too, as healthy as it might be she was not going to eat vegetables and fruits for breakfast, that's why she made herself bacon, scrambled eggs and toast.

"I know that now." Rachel was smiling slightly, obviously she just got out of bed, because she was rubbing her eyes and her hair was messed up.

"How'd you sleep?"

"Very well, thank you." She gave Cassandra a quick kiss and sat down.

"For letting you sleep or breakfast?"


"You're welcome." They ate almost in complete silence, Cassandra had made coffee though and when she handed Rachel a cup she thanked her. Cassandra had finished her breakfast and Rachel was almost done, which Cassandra found weird, that Rachel took longer for just some fruits and vegetables. She was just watching Rachel now and drinking her coffee.

"What have you been up to?"


"What did you do while I slept?"

"Practice. And I made you breakfast, or at least I tried."

"What do you mean? I'm eating it and I saw you making it."

"I don't really know what you eat, I mean you don't just eat that, do you?" She pointed a Rachel's plate.

"That, is actually really healthy." She held the last piece of apple up and ate it.

"I know, it's just... I don't know, I mean I know what you don't eat, but I could never make dinner for you or anything." Cassandra stood up, mostly because she felt herself blushing and she didn't want Rachel to see it and also to put the plates and mugs into the sink.

"I could give you a book. Or you could look it up on the Internet." Cassandra was holding the counter top, not facing Rachel. "I didn't know you want to make dinner."

"Not today, I meant in general."

"I see, well, we can figure something out, I could help you or we could make dinner together sometimes."

"Sure." Cassandra seemed distracted, which confused Rachel and so she walked over to her. Rachel put her hand on Cassandra's and leaned a little forward so she could see Cassandra's face.

"What's up?" This caught Cassandra's attention, she took Rachel's hand in her own and turned a little around.

"What do you mean?"

"You just seemed so, I don't know. Never mind, I'm just still sleepy I guess."

", last night was...interesting."

"Do you mean dinner or after dinner?" Rachel smirked.

"I wouldn't say interesting to our 'after dinner activities', but that was very good."

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