Chapter 25: Failed Plans

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Danny had just arrived at his precinct when a man walked in with an officer:
Officer: Detective, this man needs to speak with you.
Danny: So, I'm guessing mystery man sent you here. What's your name?
Man: Dean Callsend
Danny: Well Dean, what did mystery man promise you if you did his work?
Dean: He said he would pay me two thousand to make sure some papers were burned.
Danny: Papers? You've never meant him, have you?
Dean: I don't even know who he is. He just called me and said he was working with the police and if I did what he asked he'd pay me. He also told me to tell no one what I just told you. But who cares? If he's with the police and your with the police what does it matter?
Danny: He's a bit of an idiot. Sending someone he can't even trust. Bad for the bad. Good for the good.
Dean: What do you mean?
Danny: What I mean is that he isn't working with the police. He's working against them. Did he give you a number?
Dean: Yeah, a number I'm supposed to call once the papers are burned.
Danny:  The papers you're supposed to make sure are burned, they're evidence on a case.
Dean: I know. He said it was supposed to help the case, burning them. I didn't know what he meant but he said not to ask questions.
Danny: He thought it was well thought out. But in reality, my plan worked and his didn't.
Dean: What now?
Danny: Now, we are going to call him.

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