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Emilio's POV:

I reached home as I was going to take a shower I got a message from a number.

Hey, thanks for helping again. I don't know how to thank you for everything you have done for me.

You don't have to.

But I want to thank you... How About a treat?

Sounds good.

So then is tomorrow evening okay?

Yeah sure, in the place u work at?

Sure, where you the customer that helped place your order?

Yeah, it was me, I was with my colleagues.

I thought so... So tomorrow at eight. I would be waiting for you. I need to go to bed, good night sweet dreams.

Yeah, Good night

I smile as I text her. I couldn't believe she texted me. I thought that she wouldn't want to keep in touch after that incident but instead, she invited me for a treat? I felt butterflies in the pit of my stomach. I shouldn't get my hopes up, it's just a normal meetup, nothing more than that. I shrugged the thought out of my mind as I drift off to sleep.

~•Next day •~

Emilio enters the restaurant where he finds Skye waiting for him, she looked really beautiful in her black dress. He couldn't help but stare at her. She noticed him as she waved at him. He walked towards her but he couldn't take his eyes off her. He complimented her and she complimented him in return.

They had a long conversation, both of them seemed to have similar likings.

Hours went by. It was getting late sadly they had to leave. Emilio offered to drive her home since she missed the last bus because they were so busy chatting.

~•In the car •~

"How long have you been working in the cafe?"

Emilio asked as his attention was on the road.

"I think it's about two years but this is not the only place I work at. I also have two other jobs too."

"Why do you have so many jobs, isn't one enough?"

"Well... I have to repay someone ... So I need to attend these jobs to earn the money ."

Emilio was getting a little worried as he glanced at her with concern.

"Then why not get a better job than pays double the amount?"

She looks outside the window.

"I wish I could but I don't have the qualifications for that... or else I would..."

Emilio taped his nails on the steering wheel trying to think. Then something struck him.

"I have an offer for you. You'll get double the amount you currently earn and it's safer. "

"What job are you talking about...?"

"I need a personal assistant to help me with household work. The pay is around ******"

"What! Just for housework that amount is a little too much...."

"It isn't, so what do you say? Would you accept the offer?"

"I need some time to think about it... You can stop here..."

"Oh okay, let me know when you make up your mind."

She nods as she shuts the car door. As she walks upstairs to her apartment. She unlocks the door with the keys. Turns on the lights to brighten the darkroom, as she sits on the couch. Her phone rings on the table.


"Why weren't you picking the call you stupid bitch, are you ignoring us?"

"No, I didn't mean my phone wasn't with me-"

"Stop giving me excuses you bitch just pay your friend's debts or else we will sell you to get the money!"

"Just give me a month. I'll pay you half of it."


"No-no, I'll pay for everything so just please give me one month."

"You better keep your word."

He cuts the call as she sighs in frustration. She looks back at her phone.

I accept the offer. Can we start tomorrow?


: Emilio

I'll send you the list of things you'll have to do.


She was a little shocked by the quick reply. Even though she was sad it made her smile. As soon as she lay on the couch, her eyes seemed heavy she shuts them as she sighs in frustration.




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