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Thunder rattled outside, as I tossed and turned trying to sleep. I had graduated at McKinley High School a few weeks ago, and tommorrow I'll be moving with my best friends to pursue my dream Broadway career, in New York City. I can do this. I'm a star. I'm going to be famous. I muttered to myself. I got into NYADA, the school of my dreams with my amazing audition performance and I'll get to enjoy life in the big city with my favorite people, so what could possibly go wrong?

I was woken up by my alarm at 6:00 am so I'm able to start my routine. I have my protein shake, and by 6:10 I'm on the elliptical. Do you know how I motivate myself? not with anything artificial. I set a goal, and won't rest until I reach it. A Tony Award and a role in Broadway has and still is my dream since I was a baby and today by moving to New York, I'm one step closer to making it a reality.

By the time I finished breakfast I finished packing and said goodbye to my parents. I went to pick up my best friend so we can travel together. As I arrived, Kurt Hummel stepped out of his house and came running to my car with a thousand bags and dressed in his usual stylish self. "I can't believe we're doing this," I said to him as he got into the car. "Me neither, but I can't wait!". Kurt had been my best friend since my freshman year. He's helped me more times than I can count, whether it was fashion advice or just by simply letting me talk for one hour straight. Honestly, I wouldn't have made it this far if it wasn't for him.

The drive to the airport was long, but we made it by listening to our favorite Broadway songs and singing out hearts out.  We got checked in, they gave us our boarding passes and they guided us to our station. There was still one hour left for our plane to take-off, so we decided to check out the Duty-Free stores to buy some snacks and magazines. Kurt decided to take a nap while I read a book.

"Kurt, c'mon we don't wanna miss the flight" I woke him quickly and together we walked to the doors of the airplane. We got to our seats and about 30 minutes later, the plane was taking off. I took a second to watch Lima from my window and how little it looked from up here. I'm going to miss this place and the memories I've made, but I know for sure I'll be coming back soon.

Since I assumed this flight would be a bit long I decided to take a nap, while Kurt was just binging an episode of Pretty Little Liars whilst eating some chips. He's been obsessed with that show lately.

About 3 hours had already passed and there were 30 minutes left of the flight, I asked Kurt for a headphone and watched the show with him. "Hey, Kurt?" "Mmhm?" He replied, "How do you think our lives are going to be there?" I asked "I honestly have no idea. I mean, we haven't even visited the place once and now we're going to be moving there and starting school in about 3 weeks, but I'm just trying to remain optimistic that our lives are going to be amazing and perfect and we'll get the lifestyle of our dreams." I've gotta admit, as much as I'm excited to move to NYC, I'm really scared and nervous at the same time. What if things don't work out as we want them to?. "I hope so" I replied, and we kept watching the show until our plane arrived.

We stepped out of the airport with a thousand bags in our hands and quickly stepped into a taxi that took us to our new home. As we were in the car, I took a second to admire the city, the people littering the sidewalks, the busy streets and the millions of cars beside us, the theaters... Everything.

Kurt and I arrived at our apartment a few minutes later and took in the view. It was a pretty nice apartment considering the neighborhood around it. It had 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a living room with a tv, and a small but cute kitchen. It was perfect.

I decided to take a shower and set my things down in the room where I'll be spending my next 4 years at. It was cute, a bit small compared to the one I had back home, but there was still room for the collage of my idols, my picture frames with my friends and family, and all of my other stuff. After a long time, I managed to put all of my clothes in place and make the house feel like home.

We were really tired from the flight so Kurt and I ordered some Chinese takeout and stayed on the couch where we watched Pretty Little Liars right where we left off.

It was a pretty good first day

Author's note:

Hiiiiii i'm honestly super excited for this it is the first time I wrote a fanfic and i'm kinda proud of it so pls leave a review or anything!! i'm open to any opinions <33

I hope you have a great day/night :)

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