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As I entered the apartment I saw Santana using her phone on the couch with Kurt beside her watching  Pretty Little Liars on the tv.

"Hi," I said as I went to sit with them. Santana just ignored me, and Kurt just waved.

"So, um..." I sat down beside Kurt and wrapped the blanket he was holding around me.

"I saw Jesse today".

Both Kurt and Santana immediately turned their eyes at me with a shocked look.

"You what?!" shrieked Kurt with wide eyes.

"Yeah um, turns out he's going to NYADA too".

"No freaking way!" Santana told me. Not helping honestly.

"Yeh and I uh- I need to talk to him." Both of them just stared at me.

"...right?" I looked at them waiting for an answer.

"Rachel, I don't know how to feel about this yet but, he broke you. He broke your heart, betrayed you, and even after 2 whole years he didn't even look for you or even tried to apologize. You can't talk to him. You need to move on from him." Kurt replied about a minute later.

Honestly, he was right, but there is some small part of me that thinks there is still a chance for us, a chance of a happy ending after that horrible one we got years ago.

Before I could reply, Santana rolled his eyes at Kurt and told me "Don't listen to him. Look, I couldn't care less about Jesse St James, but you loved-- or love him. You both have unfinished business with each other. So talk to him, and then you can decide if you want to keep hanging out or just tell him to fuck off. It's up to you"

Thankful for someone finally having my back, I said "You're right, Santana." She just grinned at me.

"I'm always right."

As I walked the halls of NYADA on a Thursday afternoon, I headed to the class I had with Jesse. I'm going to have to face him someday, might as well do it now. I tried my best to put on the bravest face as I entered the Musical Theatre room. Jesse was talking with a blonde boy with blue eyes whom I recognized. Sam Evans, his best friend since sophomore year. There was also a girl talking to them who reminded me of Quinn Fabray with that same blond hair and that look of a "popular girl".

I discreetly rolled my eyes at her and then sat down  at one of the chairs as I waited for the teacher to enter.

That was when I caught him staring at me. We held eye contact for a second until he stood up and started to make his way towards me. Breathe, Rachel. Don't freak out. Don't cry.  it's just talking, right?

He stood in front of me, thinking of what his next words would be.

"Hi, Rachel".


Sorry this was so short I haven't been able to write lately bc i've been to obsessed w tv shows but anyways I hope u liked this chapter. There's some angston the next few chapters so yeah hahah i'll try to upload them as soon as I can. Also feel free to comment a review of the story so far !

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