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A few weeks ago

Life here in New York isn't actually as bad as Santana thought it would be. The latina dreaded living with Rachel and Kurt since she assumed they'd be their usual annoying selves but they're not that bad, aside from the fact that Rachel is a bit too much for her every now and then.

Santana was walking home from NYADA alone after Rachel told her she was walking with Jesse. She decided to do a quick stop at the Coffee Shop they now go to every day.

The latina waited impatiently on the counter for someone to take her order, and about 2 minutes later a stunning girl came with a huge smile plastered on her face. She had light blonde hair and the clearest blue eyes Santanas had ever seen in her life.

"Hi, I'm Brittany! what can I get you?" the blonde asked her as she stood there dumbfounded staring at her. How come I never noticed her? she thought.

"I- Um..." Shit, Santana thought, I forgot what I was going to order. The girl just stood there waiting for an answer, smiling.

"I'll have a caramel iced coffee, please." God, I never say please, what is wrong with me?, she wondered.

"Awesome, what's your name?" she asked.

"Santana" Brittany stared at her for a second and then wrote her name on the cup, grinned, and disappeared to prepare her coffee.  A few minutes later she came back with the order and gave it to Santana, smiling again.

"Uh, thank you!" The latina took it and ran to the exit,  her cheeks turning a deep deep shade of red.

It has now become a habit for Santana to stop by the Coffee Shop and see Brittany every afternoon after school. They became friends quickly once Santana managed to build up the courage to talk to her and, to Santana's surprise, it turns out she's a genius who's actually a somewhat profesional dancer. She joins her to drink coffee at her (well, their) usual table every day and they talk about everything. It's mostly Santana ranting to her about Kurt, Rachel, school, and stuff like that while she just nods and stands there. She's a pretty good listener, she thought.

Brittany tells her about herself too, like how she attends NYU and is a math genius but she wants to dance professionally instead of something related to math; and other stuff about her. From the looks of it, Santana really enjoys talking to her.

But we're friends, nothing more than that. At least not yet, a little voice whispered inside her head.

Present time

I knew it!! Brittany was the girl Kurt and I saw Santana staring at that day at the Coffee Shop. Santana told us all about her. She sounds incredibly nice and I'm happy she met someone. I really can't get over how her face lights up every time she mentions  a little detail of a conversation she had with her, it's pretty cute.

She won't admit it, but Kurt and I know that she has a crush on her. Of course, knowing Santana if we asked about that she'll just throw a bunch of insults at us, and then stop talking to us for an hour or even more than that. So I decided to keep quiet, but i'm still curious.

Saturday morning I took the liberty of going for a walk at 8:00 am like all weird productive people do. I prepared breakfast all by myself (cereal and milk count, right?) sipped some coffee and headed to Central Park.

The day was pretty boring, I might add. Kurt spent all day on the couch watching movies, Santana had lunch with Brittany, and I just took a walk around the city and practiced my already perfect singing.

The day after

"Nooo peeking." Kurt told Santana and I as he blindfolded us and put some sort of thing around our necks.


"I'm peeking," Santana whispered.

"Peek peek peek peek peek" Kurt squealed as we both took our blindfolds off and looked at what he bought us.

"Oh my god!" Both of us were laughing as we admired our pillows that seemed to be in the shape of a human arm.

"Kurt, you gave my boyfriend pillow a sex change. That's so sweet." Santana laughed and smiled at him.

"A little perfume and voilá."

"If you ever tell anyone about this, I have no ethical problems with Hummel-cide." Santana and Kurt talked for a few minutes while I stood laughing by myself at this weird but cute gift.

Santana took her girlfriend pillow with her and went off to the kitchen and Kurt sat where she was on the couch.

"You don't seem as excited about yours." He told me with a look of pity.

"This is weird, and I'm not lonely." I chuckled nervously. "But I love it" I whispered and he chuckled.

A few hours later us three were sitting on the couch with our pillows, talking. Kurt looked at me with that same look of sorrow he always shot me when I looked a bit down. I sighed."Why the long face? You've got a hot boyfriend pillow in there named Colin after that guy in The Secret Garden 'cause I know you loved it, although you can change his name to that special someone" he raised his eyebrows while I shook my head.

"Don't be sad." He continued.

"I'm not," I took a deep breath "I'm good, I feel...ready. Y-y-you know I'm ready for my assignment tomorrow and I'm definitely ready for this whole experience and to spend the rest of the school with you guys." I smiled at him.

As Santana sat back down on the couch in the middle of them and pulled a blanket close to her, Rachel continued. "But I'm gonna use the pity card just for a second, since I am the one that is currently in a weird situation with her ex-boyfriend and has a huge thing tomorrow. I'm gonna get to pick the movie tonight, okay?"

I headed to where the movies are kept "And I think we should pick... the best guilty pleasure movie musical ever." I took the movie and showed it to them.

"Oh god." Santana groaned and put her head back as the opening credits of Mamma Mia showed on the screen.

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