Chapter 1

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Y/n pov 7years:

"Mummy i know what i wanna do when i grow up". I said exited to my mother who was dusting a cuboard with a cloth."Oh and whats that honey". She said intrigued."I wanna be an artist and draw pictures". My mothers face instantly fell and she looked at me with a grim expression on her face."What on earth brought that awful thought into your head". She said now with a frown painting her face.(heh see what i did there artist paint no ok). I shoved an old notebook into her face and grinned"This is daddy's old notebook and i want to be able to draw like him when im older". My mother snatched the notebook out of my hand and threw it in the bin and glared at me then she spoke with such hatred in her voice it sounded like i could have murdered her entire family."Never speak of that man ever again don't even call him your father". My smile from before had now turned into a sad upside down smile and i quietly spoke."Why mummy i thought he was my fath-". She cut me off and yelled."THAT MAN IS NOTHING BUT A WORTHLESS PIECE OF TRASH WAITING TO BE THROWN OUT".She glared at me once more before stomping out of the room.

F/n pov 7 years before:

"M/n im sorry".I had recently just found out the lengths of my ability i can draw anything and it will come to life although one of the drawbacks(heh drawwwbacks no ok)is that whatever i draw if it comes from another world other than earth like a fictional character or something like flying cars from another dimension, i will be teleported to that world within the following 24hours of drawing it. I had drawn a dog from a movie because m/n loved it and wanted a pet like it so i thought whats the harm in bringing it to life as i would do anything for her but i didn't realise what would happen until after, i should have read my fathers notes on the power, its been an ability passed down from generation to generation in the family and as soon as i found out my wife was pregnant with a girl i could only hope this time it would be different she wouldn't have to suffer with the l/n(last name) ability or in my words curse.But now i knew i would have to leave my family and i couldn't tell my wife the truth she would think i was mad and if i dissapeard she would try look for me which would fail the only way to go is to tell her im leaving i have thought about this over and over and whats even worse is that the dog i made comes back with me so there was no point in bringing it to life in the first place but whats done is done. "HOW COULD YOU LEAVE YOUR WIFE AND UNBORN CHILD I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME".M/n screamed as i walked out the house giving her one more glance before closing the door. It pained me to see the woman i loved in so much pain and to leave her at her most vulnerable, im just happy i left all my money with her, now hopefully her and my daughter will live a comfortable life."Im sorry i can't see you when you come into this world my child but please dont make the same mistake i did". I said as i looked at the sky and felt myself fade into dust and teleport into the new world that will be my forever home.

Y/n pov present day:

I never did find out why my mum hates my dad so much or why she hates the idea of me being an artist, although i've never changed my mind about wanting to be an artist i still do and im determined to get to my goal. That is when i find out how to stop my drawings from coming to life. I've never bothered with drawing living things as 1. im scared because what if they come to life aswell and 2. from watching the amount of anime i have I know there will be some consequences. Actually come to think of it i've never drawn anything from any anime, probably cuz im to scared to see the outcome. That is ofcourse up until i started sk8 the infinity. I love all the animes i have watched obviously but something about this new one is keeping me intrigued or more like one person, that person being a certain redhead named Reki.

~Time Skip~

"UGHHH". I screamed in frustration as everything i tried to draw just went lopsided."Whyyy is none of it actually good". I whined to myself as i attempted to draw yet another donut. *beep* i looked down at my phone to see my new favourite anime had updated and another episode had landed. As i picked up my phone and smiled to myself ready to watch it my phone was snatched from my hands i looked up see the owner of the hand and it was none other than my mother."You have school tomorrow no being on your phone and get to sleep and stop eating all of this junkfood i dont even remember buying this". My mum said as she scowled at me from above my double bed."'sigh' fine but can i have my phone back". I asked in a pleading tone as i put my sketchbook to the side."Absolutely not i will give it back to you in the morning before you go to school".My mother said as she strode out my room and closed the door behind her. I got up from my bed and headed to my bathroom and got ready for bed i pulled on my f/c oversized top and some grey shorts and got into my bed, i turned my lamp of and looked out the window.'Tomorrows gonna be a big day i can feel it' i thought to myself as i drifted to sleep my head full of fantasies of me and Reki.

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