Chapter 10

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a/n: my writing may be trash now idk or cringy so sorry if it is 💀💀💀 but I hope u like thissss.

Y/n pov:

We finally arrived at the mansion "WOAH LOOK LANGA ITS HUGE!!" Reki yelled looking out the window which made me giggle. "That's what she said." Bf/n replied. "Huh?" He tilted his head again doing his adorable puppy thing, "BRO HOW INNOCENT ARE YOU geez first the love hotel now this do you really need me to explain." "Uhh yes plss" he smiled to her 'awww so cute a shame he's about to be traumatised' I thought. "She saw his Penis and said WOAH ITS HUGE so when u said its huge that's what she said you know you completely ruined that joke I'm never saying that again you demolished it hmph" I looked over at Reki to see him blushing and looking down. "REKI" my face got flustered as I realised where he was looking and bf/n soon clocked it, "REKI WHY" she looked at Langa and he blushed covering his crotch with his hands "W-WHY ARE YOU LOOKING AT MINE". I got out of the taxi and looked at the mansion, it was quite modern I could see it had acres of land a hot tub and a pool 'good thing I brought tampons with me' I thought as I was on my period, Reki's mum and sister went shopping with me to get some new clothes for this trip and I got quite the cute swimsuit. "What you thinking about hmm" bf/n said as she got out of the taxi too, "Ahh the cute clothes I brought" "Oooo you know I brought some clothes aswelllll I'd say mine are more sexy though hehe" I smirked "You went shopping aswell?" "Of course Joe went with me and I noticed him eyeing up a lot of girls wearing revealing stuff sooooo" my face changed into a more confused expression, "Wait so you weren't jealous you want to try get male attention which is unusual u only ever dress for yourself sooooo" I smirked at her "W-what" "You know not all guys want that" "Yhhh butter it might make him a little flustered, huh ah I mean uh ill get the bags" she scurried to the boot clearly quite flustered 'Hehehe I knew it'.

Reki's pov:

"If we were to play some games which would u wanna play?" I asked langa "Hmm do you mean those party games teenagers do?" "Uhh yeah" "Hmm truth or dare then" I smirked as an idea popped into my head. "What about you?" "Huh me uhh I guess ooo spin the bottle" he nodded his head as if taking notes 'weird just what exactly is he up to'. "HEY STOP COMPARING DICK SIZES AND HELP US WITH THE BAGS" bf/n Shouted.

Y/n pov:

As they both opened the door and got out I asked "So who's is bigger?" I smiled and both boys looked at each other and nodded "Mwaha mine of course" Reki said "HEY mine is clearly bigger tch" both boys started bickering and me and bf/n chuckled.

~smol timeskip to when each of them are in their rooms~

I looked at my swimsuit as I was putting it into the draw and wondered if Reki would notice 'it would be cute seeing him getting all flustered' once I had packed away everything I walked out of my room and felt a hand envelop my wrist and yank me to the bathroom next to my room "HEY WHAT TH-" Reki had a finger around his mouth telling me to sh and then he smiled "I've got it" he looked giddy like he just got everything on an exam right, "You er got it?" "Yes the plan we should play strip truth or dare if you don't do the dare or truth you have to take a piece of clothing of someone's choice off but if you refuse you have to take a shot" my eyes widened "that's actually a really good idea but how are we gonna get alcohol wait nevermind I know exactly how" 'Of course Joe let her buy alcohol' I mentally face palmed but was thankful for it. "Let's do it" Reki grinned.

Bf/n pov:

I was packing all of my stuff away and starring at the view outside my window the sea was very close *knock* *knock* "Who is it?" "It's me" 'Langa?' "C-come in" he walked in and smiled "Do you want to hear my plan?" 'Ah that's why he wanted to see me' "Hmmm ok go on lets see if it really is as good as you say" "Let's play spin the bottle" "Huh that's your idea?" "Do you not like it?" I stood there thinking for a moment 'Hmm ooo what if I got Langa or he got me this is perfect' "Hmm what if the other person says no" he looked over at the many many bottles I had sprawled on my bed "They have to take a shot" I grinned "Damn never knew you could come up with such a plan I love it Let's do it after the hot tub" I winked at him and we both nodded as we went out of my room to meet the others downstairs.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2023 ⏰

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