Chapter 8

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A/n: nothing rlly to say accept im sorry i died...Again this might be short but i wanted to get something up and i need to re-watch sk8 to remember it all again XD thank you for ur support its been a big help in encouraging me to write again :).

Y/n pov:

After lunch we all went to our lesson unfortunately me Reki and Langa and of course bf/n had no class together so i was alone but it wasn't all bad it gave me time to collect my thoughts, but all i could think about was how happy Reki was to see me and how worried he was. 'He really does make me feel loved and wanted i wish i could be with him right now ugh' i looked at the clock to see i still had 50 minutes left of the lesson 'Sooo longgggg' i thought feeling my mood drop rapidly. "Excuse me sir but may i take y/n l/n the principle wants to see her?" A teacher said as she stood by the door, i looked at her and she had a long brown pencil skirt her brown hair tied securely in a bun and a brown blazer around her she looked more like a secetary than a TA especially with matching brown glasses 'This lady must love brown' i thought eager to get away from this boring science lesson. "Oh yes of course Miss Debrae" my teacher said to her. I gathered all of my stuff up and went out to follow her. "Um Miss Debra was it?" i asked. "Miss Debrae pronounced Deb ray i'll have you know Hmph" she replied in a snarky tone. 'Wow someone is miserable'. As we approached the principles door she knocked twice and a faint voice was heard from inside. "Come in." i looked at Debra and she glared at me then walked off. "Wow bitch" i said under my breath as i opened the door and walked inside.

Reki's pov:

'Ugh when will this torment end i wanna get out of here' i thought to myself as i looked at the clock 'Ahhh this sucks i wonder how y/n is she says she will tell me later but im worried, she never cries in school-' my thoughts were cut short "Reki oi do u know the answer?" my proffessor shouted. "Huh what?!" i replied slightly alarmed "Yeah thats what i thought you weren't listening, instead of fantasising why dont you actually try learn something for once" he said while the whole class laughed, my cheeks went red from embarassment 'Yep please let this be over already'.

~Time skip to end of school day~

As i headed out of class i went to Langa's as his was next to mine and waited for him to come out.

"Oh Reki were you let out early?" Langa asked "Yep now lets go find y/n" i said with a smile as we headed past the principle's office. The door opened as soon as i went past it and something collided with me then started crying and ran off. "Huh what the heck was that?"
"A large boy holding his pants...." Langa replied with confusion. "Uh weird-"
"Yes very weird now lets go to the nearby skate park and meet bf/n i ran into her as i was heading for last lesson and she said she needed to talk to us." Y/n said also coming out of the office. "Oh um alright." me and langa followed.

Y/n pov:

As we all made it to the skate park i saw bf/n waving and i ran over to her. "HEYYYY!" she said loudly "Heyy guess what?"
"What?" she replied.
"You know that guy from this morning that was harassing you?"
"Hmm oh the dude you kicked in the balls?" she tilted her head slightly,
"Yeah him, well basically i was called into the principles office earlier for 'physically hurting a fellow classmate'".
"Wait you're kidding that guy was a perv you shouldn't get told of for that did you tell him the real reason you did it?"
"Yeah he said he will check the cameras later but hey at least i got to miss the rest of science class." i smiled
"Yeah you right luckkyy." She pouted.
"So why did you call us all here?" Reki asked. "Wellllllll i um kinda won a trip and im allowed to bring 3 people..." Bf/n said mischief written all over her face. "Hmmmm and what kind of trip i get the feeling you won a trip to a love hotel in spain or something." i narrowed my eyes and heard a small laugh from behind me. "WAIT LANGA HOW DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT IS!?" Bf/n screamed.
"No no i agree with her you're like the most innocent here", he looked at both of us and coughed "It was in a um show my mum was watching..." He said. "I kinda feel left out what the heck is a love hotel?" Reki asked with those big confused eyes like this 😶, "Im not telling him" Langa said quickly. "Finnneee i will" replied bf/n smirking. "So basically its a hotel that usually couples or people looking to have a um fun time go to you know".
"Fun time?" Reki said.
"OMG REKI seriously you don't know what that implies!?" Reki looked at her face blank, "SEX REKI IT MEANS SEX!!!" she shouted, Reki looked at me and blushed then looked at the floor.
"HOLY CRAP WHY DID YOU LOOK AT HER OMG!?" "BF/N NO THATS NOT, ITS NOT-" i blurted out going red aswell as Langa cut me off. "Trip?" 'thank you Langa for saving my skin i don't need her jumping to conclusions ahhh'. "Oh right yeah well basically i won a trip an hour away to spend a weekend so 3 nights in a mansion with 3 friends of my choice and 1, 2, 3 are invited" she smiled pointing at each of us. "What sort of competition was this?" i asked her.
"Oh you know a little bit of remembering animes you told me to watch and a bit of sk8 the infinity knowledge" she said smugly. "Sk8 the infinity the hell is that?" as soon as i asked, her face dropped and she looked concerned. "What do you mean whats that, back in our world-"
"Back in our world? are you ok this is our world" they all started looking at me concerned 'have i missed something o-' "AHHHH!" a sharp pain in my head cuts me out of my thoughts and makes me fall to my knees but its over as quickly as it started. "Hey are you ok?" Reki says as i pull myself onto my feet again "um yeah fine, i think my memories of our world are fading bf/n" she looks at me and sighs "Then this small break is exactly what you need so who else is in?"
"You actually want me to come?" Langa asked "What of course i do" she moves so quickly no one has chance to react as she hugs him tightly. "Awww" i say on impulse. Langa blushes and awkwardly pats her back obviously not used to such intimacy. "We are all your friends including me so dont ever think none of us would want you to come ok?" she says sweetly pulling away. He looks around at all of us with determination set stone on his face "Im in".

To be continued.....

A/n: i will try update next week and more frequently now they should be longer after this.

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