Chapter 4

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Y/n pov:

"BF/N!!!" i looked at her my mouth agape i was so confused how did she get here how did she know i was here. "Hey y/n" she waved at me and i was about to speak but the principle inturrupted me "So bf/n, y/n you guys will be in different classes here are your time tables now leave i have work to do" he shoved me and bf/n out and while we were walking in the hallway i looked at her and grabbed her arm "How-" she cut me off and put a finger to her lips "Shhh i'll tell you at lunch hehe" she waved at me once more before skipping down the hall to her class. I looked at my timetable and went to my class, as i opened the door everyone looked at me and i saw Reki's frown turn into a huge grin 'Im in Reki's class THIS IS GREAT' i thought to myself. "Miss l/n would you please come here and introduce yourself" "Huh oh yeah haha sorry" i said awkwardly as i stumbled over next to him "Um my name is y/n and im looking forward to being one of your classmates" i smiled and i saw some boys looking at me lovingly and i heard one infront of Reki whistle but he soon got a smack on his back with a ruler "AH hey who did that?!" the guy who whistled at me said looking behind him to see a glaring Reki behind him, the guy shivered at his death glare and looked forwards rubbing his back slouching on his desk. "Miss l/n you can go sit next to Reki" i bowed in thank you to him and walked over to the seat next to Reki and sat in it. As i sat down i cupped my face with my left hand and looked at the board slowly zoning out 'How the hell was she able to come here im glad but how, how did she know i was here GAHHH this is so confusing i can't wait 3 hours' i thought to myself biting my lip and frowning. "Pssssst y/n" i looked infront of me to see a jock looking black haired guy looking down at me 'i have to admit hes kinda cute wait y/n no' i said to myself while he leaned in making me lean back "Er i think your a little to close there buddy" i heard a familiar voice say from my left "Uhm i agree please move back" i blushed as he lent in some more now inches from my lips, a shiver ran down my spine and i was becoming more scared then flustered now. A heavy dictionary suddenly hit the boy's head making him fall off of his chair onto the floor "Maybe you should use that it will teach you on what the words 'personal space' and 'listen' means" i turned my head to see Reki with another dictionary in his hand just incase the other didn't work "HEY this is why i tell you kids not to lean on your chairs get up" the teacher yelled at the black haired boy on the floor. I sighed in relief and smiled at Reki "Thank you" i mouthed to him, i noticed a few bloches of red appear on his face but thought nothing of it.

~Time skip to lunch~

"Hey y/n wanna eat lunch on the rooftop?" Reki asked me "Um can uh i'll meet you there gotta run" "WAIT YOU DON'T KNOW WHERE IT IS" Reki yelled after me as i quickly ran out of the classroom looking for bf/n i didn't feel like telling him that bf/n had come to this world aswell, i already caused him enough stress with me so i ran out to the back of the school and sighed in relief when i saw bf/n leaning on a tree. "Oh you finally came hehe" "HOW, WHAT, WHEN HUHHH" i shouted she shushed me "Ok ok i guess you deserve an explanation look i kinda went to your house well snuck through the window and looked around in your room and found some of your fathers notes and your diary-" "YOU READ MY DIARY" i yelled cutting her off "Well yes and i know your so called family member was Reki" "Ah so you know" "Yes and ik your drawings come to life which is why im guessing everything you drew in art class was always unfinished, i know you blamed it on time but it was really so they didn't come to life am i correct?" she asked me while looking at me expecting an answer from me "Uh yeah your right but how did you get here and who are you staying with?" i asked in confusion "Well i could say the same to you but judging by your fathers notes im gathering you drawing Reki brought you to this world so that explains that" i nodded in response "However just like you have a husband i also have one hehe" she put her finger to the side of her mouth grinning "What you do oooo yes my normie friend who i made watch anime is actually enjoying it so who's the lucky guy?" i asked leaning in pointing to my ear "Joe" i leaned back shocked "ABS JOE?!" "Mmhhmm hes just soo hotttttt" i blushed thinking of that time i saw Reki in just a towel to see he is quite ripped "Ohh has someone already done some naughty stuff with her husband?" she smiled mischevously and i went a tomato colour blood rushing to my ears "WHAT NO NO I WOULD NEVER EW GROSS WHAT PSH" she leaned back giggling "Im just kidding hehe iknow your to inoccent for that or maybe its him thats to inoccent either way its funny seeing you get flustered ahahaha but seeing as you blushed so much when i mentioned Joe im gathering at least something happened hmm?" "Well we kinda accidentally kissed and i saw him half naked one time" i blushed at the memory 'Damn i need to get this blush under control' i thought getting annoyed at my own flusteredness. "Ohhhh look at you the girl who has never even had a boyfriend and has no experience on this stuff having her first kiss hmmmm" "IT WAS ACCIDENTAL" "Mmhm suree" "S-shut up anyway who are you staying with and HOW DID YOU GET HERE?!" "Oh right yeah sorry anyways i touched some weird golden pen that was attached to a note and i instantly blacked out the next thing i knew i could smell delicious food so i got up and opened some door and found Joe in the kitchen, apparently he found me on the street shivering and brought me to his restaurant and after he agreed to let me stay with him and enrolled me in the nearest school, lucky right" "Hmm the pen i thought i brought it with me" "Oh here this was the only thing on me but i think my phone is still at your place though" she handed me the pen and when i took it my hair went up and then down "WHAT THE HELL!" i threw the pen and jumped up moving my hair back "I- thats no ordinary pen" bf/n said slightly startled "No shit" i grabbed it and shoved it into my bag then pulled bf/n up "Oh yeah who are you staying with?" she asked "R-reki" i said under my breath "Who?" "Reki" "I can't hear youuuuu" "REKI!" i yelled a little to loudly "Oh wait but do they have a guest room aswell?" "No im staying in Reki's room" her eyebrows went sky high then she grinned an evil grin "Oh you could do a lot of things huh" i blushed and shoved her into a bush where she lost her balance and fell in it "Stop being so dirty minded i'll see you later" i waved and ran off "HEY DON'T LEAVE ME HERE!" she screamed out from behind me. As i opened the doors back into the school i looked for any directions to the rooftop "Dammit he was right i don't know where it is" i said to myself "Hey, you lost?" i turned around to see the cute but scary guy from earlier approach me he looked around me and then smirked sending unpleasent shivers down my spine 'I have a bad feeling about this' i thought. "So your little boyfriend isn't around, good" he said walking towards me "H-he's not my boyfriend" i said backing away until my back hit the wall "Oh so how come a pretty little thing like you doesn't have a boyfriend huh?" i flinched under his gaze as he put his left hand against the wall next to my head and caressed my cheek with the other i was so scared i couldn't do anything but freeze up 'Reki please' i was secretly hoping Reki would come and be my hero again but i know that was very unlikely as he's not in the same room as me let alone hallway. "So ever had your first kiss?" he said leaning in making his nose touch mine i then rembered that moment me and Reki shared and realised i never want to do that with any other guy other than him, i shoved at the guys chest with all my strength trying to get out of the corner but he grabbed my hands and pinned me up against the wall "LET GO OF ME MMMF!" he used one of his large hands to grab both my hands and pin them above my head using his other hand to cover my mouth. I started getting really scared now since it was lunch everyone was either in the cantine or outside so the hallway was empty my eyes started to water in fear and he spoke "Hey im not gonna hurt you just show you your place and give you a boyfr-" his words were cut off by a bag hitting his head "Damn right your not gonna hurt her you touch her and your dead" i recognised the voice 'Reki'. The guy let go of me and shoved me to the floor, i landed on my butt, "So what you gonna do little guy" he cracked his knuckles then suddenly Reki brought his fist to his face making him fall to the ground from the rear force of the punch then he grabbed his bag and ran over to me grabbing my arm pulling me along. When we got to the rooftop he closed the door then turned to me "Are you ok?" he asked checking me for injuries, i hugged him "Thank you for um being my hero again" i said into his shoulder "H-hero?" he said stuttering "Yeah you saved me from that evil guy i was kinda afraid of what he might have done" i squeezed him tighter feeling safe in his embrace as he wrapped his arms around me, i wasn't kidding it really is safe with him around i blushed and looked up at him to see him looking down at me i smiled warmly at him and he blushed 'Aww' "Hey how did you find me by the way?" his eyes widened "Ohh uh well i kinda went looking for you knowing you probably didn't know where to go to get to the rooftop" he scratched his cheek letting me go so i stepped back a bit "Oh well you were right he kind of found me when i was wondering around like a lost kitten" he chuckled and i glared at him "Hey its not funny hmph" i pouted "I told you though ahahaha" he dramatically wiped a fake tear from his face and then got serious "By the way why were you so desperate to go earlier?" i sweatdropped "Uh i needed the loo" "You spent 20 minutes on the loo?" he replied clearly not buying my whole loo excuse, i looked to the floor and sat down my back against the railing, he then came and sat down next to me "Hey you know you can tell me anything right i mean im probably the only one you can trust in this world anyway" i looked at him and sighed "Thats the thing your not" he went stiff then looked at me panicked "Huh you don't trust me ah did i do something did i-" "No i do trust you what im saying is your not the only person anymore" "Wait what do you mean?" he asked clearly confused "I saw bf/n" "WHAT how thats impossible is she some sort of long lost sibling that inherited your power?" i giggled and waved my hand "No no apparently she went to my house to find clues about my dissapearence and well she found this" i pulled the gold and black pen out of my bag and showed him it "So what about it its a pen?" i shook my head "Once she touched it she was transported here and when i touched it something weird happened" "Weird?" "Yeah my hair went really up and down kinda like when the protagonist of an anime uses their powers" "Oh i see" he snatched the pen from my grasp and inspected it "H-hey don't do that it could do something" he chuckled "Like what its a pe-" he was cut off when a hologram appeared from it, he immediatly dropped it. "What the" he said, i looked at it and realised it was none other than my dad but older "Good you didn't forget it you see i felt something when my blue and white pen vibrated haha but you see that signals you have entered a different world i can't say im pleased but oh well anyway i can communicate with you now through the pens i have never seen your face and im exited to see it i wish i could explain now but open the pen you can record a message to send to me and oh please get back to me sweetie" the hologram ended "H-hey w-why are you crying who was that guy?" i wiped my eyes "My dad, i don't know how but i think there may be a way to communicate with him" Reki looked pleased and was about to say something but was cut off by the bell "Awww no fun" he whined i smiled grabbing the pen and putting it in my bag then following Reki down from the rooftop towards our classroom 'Great i have to sit behind that pedo' i moaned in my thoughts.

Reki x Reader (Sk8 The Infinity fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang