Chapter 7

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A/n: So for some reason last time i updated this it didn't show so if you haven't read chapter 6 which i updated last month i think then read that first before you read this chapter so it doesn't get confusing but if you have already read it then don't worry . And sorry if the story is no longer completely accurate to the anime i have a bad memory and its hard to remember word for word, thank you for the reads and the comments and the votes they make my day and i hope you enjoy.

Y/n pov:

Once we arrived back at the house i went upstairs and was about to sit down on the comfy surface of my futon until i felt hands under my arms pulling me to a bed. "H-huh?" i said my face becoming hotter.
"You need to sit here if you want me to massage your shoulders" Reki said lifting me into his lap.
"O-oh ok", 'damn I completely forgot about the massage oh god is it getting hot in here, jesus calm down y/n your only sitting in his lap stopping being an idiot'.

Reki started to massage my shoulders and my once tensed up muscles relaxed and the pain was subsiding. "Mmm" i subconciously moan caused by the relaxing relief of Reki's massage. 'SHIT DID I MOAN THAT OUTLOAD FUUUUUUCK', my face grows hotter and i desperately search the room for a distraction, my eyes land on an unframed picture of a sleeping me with Reki's arm around my shoulder with a teasing grin plastered across his face.

"Uh hey Reki?" i ask.
"Hmm what is it?" he replies, his breathe on my neck from our closeness. I try to ignore it and ask my question. "When did you take that?" i point to the piece of parchment across the room. "Oh that, crap you shouldn't have seen that" he whispers the last bit but i still hear it. "What do you mean 'i shouldn't have seen that'?" i turn around in his lap and see his face is pink. "Reki?" i ask now concerned.
"Uhh well you see i-" he avoids eyecontact with me and looks at the side wall sheepishly. I look at him expectantly and sigh "You dont have to tell me if you dont want to its ok" i smile at him but then he looks me in the eye with his brown orbs and closes them "I USE IT AS A GOOD LUCK CHARM AT RACES AND IN EXAMS!" he then covers his face with his right hand and looks down.
'Me a good luck charm thats literally the most adorable thing i have ever heard anyone say to me' i smile and pull his hand away from his face and without thinking i lean in and go to kiss his cheek but as my lips are about to make contact with his soft skin he gingerly grabs my jaw and turns my head so my lips land on his. My eyes widen but i quickly close them and kiss him back passionately but its shortlived as Reki's bedroom door flings open. "REKI, Y/N, RE-!" the twins come in squealing then are shocked to silence as me and Reki quickly pull apart blushing. "OOOOOOOOOOO" they both scream in unison as they run up to the bed and yank me by the arm pulling me out of Reki's room to another.

Reki's pov:

I watched as my two little sisters dragged y/n out of my room and didn't stop looking at her until her small frame was out of sight. "Ugh you really just did that" i say to myself groaning 'I don't know why i did that i just wanted to feel her lips on mine again' i run my hands through my hair and hear a noise *WOOHOO TEXT MESSAGE* i looked towards the source of the noise and saw a small bright light shining on the top of my bed. I picked it up and saw the notification


😝Bf/n😝: Heyyyy Joe wants to see you, says he might be able to help your useless attempts of love.

'Useless attempts of love who is she talking about' i looks at her phone pondering over if i should text back to find out or not. 'Damn it Reki dont do it'.

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