Chapter 6

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Y/n pov:

As me Reki and Langa all waited for the guy who was going to give Reki the sticker for Langa, Reki explained to him why "S" was so cool and how secretive it is and how you can't get in without a sticker. "So basically it's a secret skate club thing?". "Well i gue-" "SHHH!" i shushed Reki while pointing to the guy with a hood and when he walked passed us he gave Reki the sticker discretely. We then all got up and Reki handed him the sticker "U-uh thanks" "THANKS!!! THAT'S ALL YOUR GONNA SAY YOU SHOULD BE STOKED!" Reki yelled at the top of his lungs. "Ah s-sorry i didn't realise" Langa replied. Reki huffed and i rolled my eyes.

~Time skip~

When we arrived at 'S' we were running a bit late so Reki and Langa grabbed my hands and both pulled me along. "H-hey watch it or i mi-" i tripped as they dragged me face planting the floor but Reki and Langa were so focused they didn't realise and let me go running forward. "Shit!" i said and i got up and felt blood all around my nose. "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS YOU EXPECT ME TO SKATE WITH THIS JUNK!" the man said kicking the old bruised and battered skateboard away. Getting up i then walked over only to see Reki panicking, an angry man and a battered skateboard 'Shit he got the wrong one' i thought to myself. "Huh y/n what happened to you?" Langa asked worriedly as he finally noticed me 'Wow took ur sweet time' i said to myself while huffing and crossing my arms over my chest. "Why are you mad at me?" Langa asked "Don't worry" i said waving him off. "I CAN'T RACE WITH THIS THING, YOU TAKE MY PLACE WITH THAT PIECE OF SHIT YOU CALL A SKATEBOARD!!!" the man yelled clearly fuming. "W-what m-me take your place?" Reki asked trembling 'I just wanna hug him wait y/n NOT THE TIME' i thought. "Ah idc which one of you 3 do it but hurry up i wanna get my prize" Shadow said pointing to the girl on the guy's shoulder. "Grrr" the man grunted. "W-wait the 3 of us?" "Yes that's what i said right damn i could race all of you now just hurry up before i make her my prize aswell" he pointed at me making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. "HELL NO she's off limits and she's not skating, i will!" "R-reki but your injured" i mumbled out. "So i can hand- LANGA WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" i turned my head in Langa's direction and saw him on the floor putting duck tape on his feet attaching them to the skateboard. "I'm  going to skate" he said blankly "WHAAAAAT" me and Reki said in unison "BUT LANGA YOU CAN'T SKATE!" Reki yelled, at that moment i realised i couldn't actually remember what would occur if Langa did skate. My eyes widened in realisation "I-i'm forgetting everything i have watched to do with this anime!" i whispered to myself, Reki was trying to convince Langa not to skate but i couldn't pay attention 'WHAT IF I FORGET THE LOVE I HAVE FOR REKI' i started to panick hoping that would never happen but if i fell in love with him once it shouldn't be to hard to fall for him again right 'Wait but i won't forget loving him in the real world' "Few" i breathed a sigh of relief "WHY ARE YOU SIGHING IN RELIEF HE'S GONNA GET HIMSELF KILLED?!!!" Reki shouted "Huh" i replied, Reki was about yo say something but countdown alarms cut him off. After it had been a minute and Shadow and Langa were still skating Reki turned to me and narrowed his eyes then widened them "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR FACE?!" he asked with a raised voice "Hmph" i turned my head and pouted while crossing my arms again but then i felt a cold touch on my bloodied nose "H-hey" i said uncrossing my arms and wafting Reki's hand away "Your hands are cold" he frowned "S-sorry but are you ok?" i sighed "You guys made me trip when you dragged me along and didn't even notice" he looked at me shocked and grabbed my cheeks "IAM SO SORRY FOR INJURING AND FORGETING YOU IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN!" he yelled and then bowed, he said it so loudly it brought a lot of attention causing me to get flustered. "R-reki get up it's ok" i said pulling his head up. As i turned my head i noticed Joe with bf/n "Oh my god" i gasped and Reki looked over at me "Hey is something wrong?" "Look" i pointed over to bf/n and Reki perked up "OMG IT'S J-JOE!" i smiled at his childlike response but was cut off "AHHH Y/N!" bf/n walked over to me and i sighed "Hey" she grabbed my arm and started pulling me, i tried yo grab Reki's hand but missed "Don't worry about him" i pouted but let her pull me along. When we made it to the finish line place of the race we stood next to a wall and then we waited a little bit talking until everyone else including Reki and lagging behind him was a small boy with black hair and a cat jacket "Hey bf/n isn't he bit young to be here?" she looked at me and narrowed her eyes "Um y/n that's Miya" she replied looking confused "Oh right yeah Miya haha" 'Who ths heck is Miya' i thought. About a minute later Langa and Shadow had started to come in Shadow was infront with Langa hot on his heels. "LANGA LOOK OUT!" i heard Reki yell, i looked up to see Shadow about to do what he had done to Reki in their previous race. Langa looked ahead to see Shadow but he quickly amazed everyone by flipping in the air and above Shadow avoiding the explosions and landing effortlessly on the floor and coming in at first place. Me and Reki quickly ran over to Langa and both hugged him "YES LANGA YOU WON THAT WAS AMAZING" i screamed "THAT WAS SO  COOL MAN" Reki yelled. "Ah um thanks guys" Langa said bashfully.

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