Mecha Madness

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As the giant robot drops from the ceiling, Sonic begins to run around in order to throw the robot off him. But the big arms smash in front of sonic trapping him between both palms. The hands circle around sonic and missiles fly out of the robot's shoulders. Sonic jumps out of the robot's cupped hands and begins to run toward the window. The Big arms robot, then slams its arm on the floor and sonic gets knocked into the air. The big arms robot punches Sonic into the window. Sonic Pulls himself off of the glass of the window and runs directly at the robot. He curls into a pinball as Missles fly out of the robot's cockpit. Sonic just barely manages to dodge the Missles as the explosions land just inches away from his face and body. Sonic Spinball manages to smash into one of the arms of the big arms robot. This causes the arm to explode and the robot recoils. The other arm smashes into sonics head and picks him up. As the Robot begins to squeeze sonic The cockpit of the robot opens up wider and reveals a laser gun. Sonic fumbles around in his pocket and pulls out a small golden ring. He squeezes the ring in his hand as sonic absorbs the energy of the ring and in the span of a second, he turns into a faster Spinball and begins cutting through the metal of the robot's hand. The laser in the robot's cockpit fires and the beam bounces off sonic and blows up the cockpit of the robot sonic Spins through the robot's metal destroying the machine and reducing it to scrap metal. Sonic's Spinball however keeps moving and bounces around the gondola of the blimp causing the mechanisms that let the blimp function. Eventually Sonic crashes into the main console and steering mechanism of the blimp. The ring's energy finally dissipates from sonic as he is able to land on his feet sliding across the floor in front of the main window. Sonic looks around and realizes the destruction he caused, as the blimp begins to crash over Mobius. When the Blimp gets close to the wall it crashes into the side of a force field over Mobius. The energy of the force field begins to incinerate the blimp and Sonic sees no other option but to jump. Sonic Jumps out a side window of the blimp and curls into a ball. A bunch of blue lightning surrounds the sonic body and sonic rolls down the side of the force field and makes it to the side of the wall. Sonic uncurls from his ball and slides down the side of the wall. As he slides his shoes begin to get destroyed as he starts to slow down he jumps off the wall and summersaults into a landing sliding across the road and destroying the bottom of his shoes. Sonic looks down and notices all the energy that came from his body. As the adrenaline in his body starts to lower he begins to feel his legs and feet burn.

Sonic: Ow ow ow that was a bad idea. OH SHIT AHHH THAT HURTS SO MUCH.

Sonic's super-speed begins to heal his legs as sonic sits on the ground taking a breather from everything. After a few minutes, Sonic turns around and looks at the crashed blimp, and smiles as he feels he's done something amazing.

Meanwhile, 10,000 miles away from the walls a certain snake demon is looking at a static screen. He stands out of his chair and slithers toward a giant computer screen.

Sir Pentious: The computer downloads cloud recording from the big arms robot and download the data from the speed demon.

Computer: Yes sir pentious adding to the blue blur file and registering it to the prototype. 

Sir pentious looks around his base and sees deactivated robots all over the place. 

Sir Pentious: *As he walks by each of them*: Damn after years of trying every overlord, every fucking demon, thinks I'm a joke but after I finish my prototype no one will laugh at me again. They'll be crying in fear.

As Sir Pentious reaches the end of the room he opens a small door and pulls out a power ring.

Back with sonic.

Sonic looks over towards Blitzo.

Sonic: You see this shit Blitzo, I call this full-fire carnage.

Blitzo: Love the enthusiasm kid but ya gotta work on the catchphrases. 

Sonic: Well I've finished up here usually these guys come in thirds and I'm pretty sure that news van pulling up is gonna have a lot of questions. So I'll see ya, next year pal.

Blitzo: Seeya dude. 

Sonic speeds off past the pulling-up news van as the camera of the van caught just a blue blur of sonic running past them. Sonic runs throughout pentagram city. As the red-bricked building and huge neon lights surround him he runs through a shoe store and gets himself a new pair of tennis shoes. He then runs towards the local mall and snags himself a milkshake and runs into the chilidog stand where he creates a footlong chili dog of his own design.

*The Maximum Chilidog recipe: Pretzel Bun, Pork and beef mixed hotdog, Shredded cheddar cheese, melted nacho cheese, hot sauce, and lastly 16 jalapenos. (Yeah I know this kid hates his stomach)*

Sonic runs throughout the city with his new kicks and lunch and makes it to a hidden forest filled with black trees. Sonic slides under a giant rock leading into a huge cave.

As sonic Plops on the bean bag, he looks around and begins to relax He stretches out and enjoys his lunch as he looks up at the ceiling of his cave he peacefully falls asleep after a very busy day

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As sonic Plops on the bean bag, he looks around and begins to relax He stretches out and enjoys his lunch as he looks up at the ceiling of his cave he peacefully falls asleep after a very busy day.

HazbinHotel/Sonic AU Book 1:Old Version (NON CANON)Where stories live. Discover now