Satellite Swindle

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As Charlie walks into her office Alastor follows behind her and sits in the chair in front of her desk. Charlie sits in the chair behind her desk and opens a drawer pulling out some papers, and writing.

Alastor: Charlie my dear do you think we can really trust a young lad like sonic? We've been down this road before, and I don't want this to end like last time.

Charlie: Well he hasn't done too much damage and it seems like he's got a good head on his shoulders. Plus from what vaggie texted me he might be joining the military program so he'll be using his power for something helpful.

Alastor: Well, I don't think that fully solves our problem with Mr.Oglvie, but how do we solve the problem of the power rings?

Charlie: Look Alastor as much as I would love to save everyone in hell. We need to focus on the people who want to be helped and after the destruction, in pentagram city, I need to look through many applications. Thousands of demons lost their homes and need a new place to live. So our first priority is helping those who want it. Besides the force field is fully operational and as long as our main power source is running no amount of demonic energy can break through the walls.

Alastor: but this isn't demonic energy. I couldn't read it, I couldn't even sense it. This energy that that boy has is the same energy our force field is made of. Now a demon outside of our walls has that power.

Charlie: Alastor Sir pentious is barely a demon and if he's using that power he'll just make random things we can easily break. We have nothing to worry about. Also, can you keep the flirting to a minimum? It's kinda weird.

Alastor: Yes ma'am *Stands up and turns around* Now I have a lot of work to do myself, but I'll be sure to talk with you later.

Charlie: Of course you do Al. Keep an eye on Sonic and make sure he doesn't break anything else. I don't want to replace any more cameras.

Alastor: Yes ma'am.

Alastor makes his way to the food court in order to find sonic only to see Cherri bomb and Angel dust throwing away their trays.

Alastor: Well if it isn't my two favorite destructive employees. How have you been this fine day?

Cherri bomb: It was fine until sonic broke our military camera. 

Alastor: Why yes I believe the techies are trying to recover all the footage they can to see what really happened.

Angel dust: What you don't trust us to do our own job now Al?

Alastor: Well I like to keep my options open. I'm sure whatever damage our young fellow caused couldn't have been on purpose. Besides you two break at least 5 of those things a year.

Cherri bomb: That's because of the weapon's nifty designs, not because someone throws their body trying to do a backflip mid-air.

Angel dust: Yeah Al you shoulda seen it. Sonic was spinning backward after he reached the wall it happened so fast, I almost didn't catch it.

Alastor: Well we'll all know the truth once the recording is recovered from the camera tonight. Hopefully, we won't have to dock anyone's paychecks. 

Angel dust: Well if you do I'm taking an early vacation because I'm sick of losing money I earned.

Alastor: Oh please angel You love destroying things and firing off those hand canons. This job is a vacation for both of you.

Cherri bomb: Welp he's caught us there bud.

Alastor: Yes I know... Which reminds me have you two seen that young rapscallion?

Angel dust: Well we kinda embarrassed him after he failed at apologizing to us for almost screwing up our jobs and he ran off. I got no idea where he is.

HazbinHotel/Sonic AU Book 1:Old Version (NON CANON)Where stories live. Discover now