Aim for It!

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Outside of Valentino's Studio, The place is swarming with robots and drones guarding the outside doors, as random demons in skimpy outfits are being pushed out of the building and shouted out to go away. Inside the Studio We see Valentino being held at gunpoint by multiple robots as Vox is jumping in between multiple TVs Sending out a giant signal. From a specific device wired to all of the TVs. Vox hops out of one of the TVs and lands on his knees twitching as small sparks of electricity fly out of his body. Sir pentious floats down in his egg pod and uses the claws to lift Vox to his feet and then places a drill to the back of his head. 

Vox: Alright I did what you asked now let Valentino go. 

Sir pentious: Alrighty then. You're already of no use to me. 

The robots lift their guns and walk out of the room and Sir pentious retracts the robotic claws and drill into the Eggpod. Sir pentious floats his way out of the studio only to get hit with a bolt of electricity in the back of the pod. Sir pentious turns the flying vehicle around and floats it down. In front of vox.

Vox: How the fuck can you do that?

Sir pentious: Let's just say that I have a huge amount of new energy at my disposal something idiotic imbeciles like you could never possibly understand. I turned a very obvious power source and an amazing way to finally take control of this pitiful place we call hell. You could have used this power to do something actually productive, something genuinely great. Hell can be something greater than you could ever imagine. But now you'll just be another cog in MY MACHINE YOU USELESS FUCKING MONSTERS.

Vox and Valentino look at Sir pentious in confusion and slight fear. 

Valentino: What exactly are you tryna do?

Sir pentious: None of your concern. And by the way, this isn't electricity, it's something entirely new. You would know that if you weren't so idiotic.

The Eggpod Flies out of the studio with all the robots inside and out following him. Vox and Valentino walk out of the now dilapidated building seeing the carnage amongst them. They see mostly destroyed buildings and see a huge amount of dead bodies. The only demons that seem to have survived are sinners. All the different animalistic people just walk around injured trying to move and find a safe space.

Valentino: It's a damn shame. How are we gonna profit when these people don't even have places to live and buy my porn. I owned Sixty Hotels filled with my dancers. Now they won't get the rest they need to dance.

Vox: Of course, we need something better. Do you think Sir pentious was right about weaknesses in Mobius?

Valentino: Look that guy was just trying to get you to do some bullshit a stupid power move. I do it all the time to the whores I employ. I make em do things that honestly mean jack shit to me. I just wanna know that I can trust that these bitched can bark when I say whisper.

Vox: Hmm I think that's the first time you explained your process to me, babe.

Valentino: Well it means nothing now...... *Throws his hands up *BECAUSE WE DON'T HAVE SHIT ANYMORE.

Vox: Dude we're both millionaires I'm sure we'll survive.

Back inside the walls of Mobius Sonic runs around trying to find Cherri bomb and Angel dust. While he doesn't think he did anything wrong he still wants to try and make things right with them, especially after finally doing some good for the walls. Eventually, he decides to check the weapons testing room the two work in and sees the door wide open. Sonic steps in confused and sees Angel and Cherri scattering around holding a bunch of weapons. 

Sonic: Hey what's going on in here where's the fire?

Cherri bomb: Kid we don't have time for games. We need to test 500 different weapons before the end of the day. 

HazbinHotel/Sonic AU Book 1:Old Version (NON CANON)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora