Faster Beams

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"So while Ben is working with Alro, I'm gonna work with you. Now try to gather energy behind you and release it from behind you" John said, gathering energy around him.

"So like thi-AGH" Blyke cut himself of as he face planted into the ground.

"Pft. Well you got the theory right. How about we work with less energy for now" John said, helping Blyke up.

Blyke did as told and gathered a bit of energy behind his back. When he felt like he gathered enough he began to run and release it. The effect was instant. Blyke's speed was a bit slower than when he used energy beams, but he was only using a bit if energy. This way both of his hands were still free to shoot at his targets.

"You picked that up pretty fast. You're a natural" John said, dashing past Blyke before slowing down. Unlike Blyke, he had energy coming out from his elbows, back, and legs. This gave him a bit more speed than Blyke.

"Show off" Blyke said, copying John, only to lose control and hit his face again.

"Keep this up and you might just beat Arlo. Your control over your ability is pretty impressive and your hand to hand combat skills are better than the sloppy punches from most people. Anyway, ima go run a few laps with your ability. Try to keep up once you got the balance right" John said, speeding away with ease.

"Leave it to John to use your ability better than you" Blyke grumbled, adding more energy to his output. Only to regret it and send himself flying into Ben's direction.

"YOU ALMOST GOT IT BLYKE" John yelled, dashing after Blyke. It took a few seconds before Blyke deactivated his ability and fell to the floor. Elaine got up for a second before remembering she doesn't have an ability, and sat back down.

They continued to train their speed until the sun started to set. By that point Blyke managed to somewhat master the energy dash, making him a bit faster then his repulsion beams. But his balance was still a bit off so he wasn't able to use all of his energy.

Alro made even less progress, but he was able to earn himself a tiny speed boost.

"I'd say this was a productive day. Should we get something to drink on the way back? Pretty sure if we hurry the boba place would be open" John suggested.

"Then lets hurry" Ben answered, teleporting to the station.

Blyke and John dashed after him while Arlo just continued walking normally with Elaine by his side.

"Hey Elaine. How have you been fairing?" Arlo asked.

"O-oh. I'm doing alright" Elaine stuttered out.

"If you say so" Arlo said, continuing the rest of the walk back in silence.


The group of 5 walked into the boba place and noticed Remi, Sera, and Isen sitting together. When Remi noticed them, she waved them over.

"Hey you guys get me some mango Boba alright? I gotta take care of something real quick" Ben said, before teleporting away.

"Hey guys. How has training been?" Remi asked.

"Well I learned how to use my energy to propel myself faster. And I can still shoot while I do it" Blyke explained.

"What about you Arlo?" Seraphina asked.

"Not much. Just a bit of extra speed. I'm already a God tier so I don't have as much room to improve."

"Oh don't act all high and mighty Arlo. You have a broken ability and an even more broken passive" John said. "Blyke's ability is way more flexible and much more adaptable than yours will every be."

"And I can beat you in a 1v1 with my passive despite you being at least a level 7."

"Like I said, broken as hell. Anyways what did you guys do?"

"I taught Remi and Isen some hand to hand. Evie and Roland were there too. You should come with us next time Elaine."


"Hello what would you like to order?" A waitress asked.

Too lazy to name every drink.

"And 2 mango bobas please" John finished.

"Coming right up" the waitress left.

"So where is Ben?" Sera asked.

"He said he had something to do" Blyke answered.

"Who wants to play some cards while we wait?"


Shoot do I have enough energy for a round trip? If I do will I be able to take someone with me? Or at least take the book with me. Then I could see how the John in my world used aura burst and who knows what else. It would be ideal if I could bring him along but he is hell knows where and I'm not sure I could bring him back anyways. Dang. Oh well. Plan B will have to do for now. I can't wait for my energy to accumulate another month. Ben was thinking to himself while he waited for someone. In a few minutes he finally saw Volcan walking down the street. He made his way over.

"Hello there" he said. She turned around with her eyes glowing. But when she saw him she deactivated her ability.

"Oh. It's just you. Are you here to tell me about that plan of yours?"

"Yes. My plan is to help John learn a move and then curb-stomp Jake. But here is the problem. We have a power ability, a defense ability, and maybe even a speed ability. But our school lost our healer" Ben replied.

"So you want me to pull some strings to transfer a healer to Wellston?

"Exactly. Think you can make it happen?"

"It would take some time but it should be possible. If you can guarantee the success of this plan that is. And what do you plan on doing after he is defeated?"

"Fuse with him and teleport us to another dimension. After that you will never hear form me again" Ben finished. After a few seconds of hesitation Volcan nodded and walked away.

 After a few seconds of hesitation Volcan nodded and walked away

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