New Friends

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Bens POV.

Thanks to my ability, John and I managed to get some cake. But just as we were about to leave John was grabbed from behind.

"I want that cake of yours. Give it to me." A girl with purple hair said to John. It was the schools queen Seraphina. A time manipulator.

Interesting. Our world didn't have a time manipulator for a while. I might have been the cause of that. But this world is still untouched by me. Observe the power of a time ma...

Shut up.

I teleported my cake to the roof just in case.

"No way. I don't care if you are the queen, king, ace or whatever... this cake belongs to me. So back off. Go get your own." John answered, getting ready to walk away. However she activated her ability.

"Don't make me repeat myself" she said reaching her hand out.

John started to hand over the cake before dropping it on the floor. Seraphina looked livid. I felt my entire body freeze as my clothes and skin became black and white. Seraphina started to scream and beat John to a pulp. All I could do is watch. After she was done she disappeared and I could move again. I ran up to John and teleported us both to the infirmary. I left my cake with John. Hopefully it will make him feel better.

John had to stay in the infirmary for a bit so I headed off to class without him. But thankfully John came just before the teacher announced the pairings.

"Now the pairings. Ben and Elaine, Blyke and Isen, John and Seraphina..."

Damn. Thats gonna suck for both of em. One wants to be perfect, the other is stubborn. And I get stuck with the b*tchy healer. Damn. Unfortunate.

Unfortunate for you but entertaining for me.

While John argued with Seraphina, I saw the healer approach me.

"So we are paired up together. I have a lot more important things to work on than to talk with someone like you."

"Trust me the feeling is mutual. And don't think of yourself so highly. Sure in combat neither of our abilities are useful, but my ability allows me to escape while yours allows you to experience the beating again and again. So if anything, you are even below John" I said. I was getting really sick and tired of her attitude.

"How dare you. You think you are better than me?" She asked, looking pissed.

"Honestly yes. In a one v one I would easily beat you." She looked like she was going to say something else but I was way to tired to deal with her anymore.

"Look. Here are your note cards" I pulled out some note cards from my backpack and gave her half a stack. I have already done most of the projects that we were going to have this year. "Here are mine. This way neither of us have to talk to each other and we both get a perfect grade. Deal?" I asked. She walked back to her dest and the bell rang. I will have to wait and see I guess.



While Seraphina and John god a B-, Elaine and Ben got an A without even talking to each other.

The second time Seraphina and John got an A-, and Ben and Elaine got an A again.

For the final part Ben and Elaine got and A, and John and Seraphina finally got an A.

"Congratulations John" Ben said, walking over to John, who was beaming with excitement.

"WE PULLED THOUGH" John yelled. "We need to celebrate this. Hey Sera" John walked over to Seraphina and invited her to Woaba Boba.

John introduced Ben to Seraphina and the three of them started to get along and eventually became friends.

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