The hospitalized

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Is Sera with you?

Ben texted John.


Ima gonna go hang out with some of my other friends. Call me if you need anything ok?


Ben walked up to the girl's dorm where Isen, Blyke and Remi agreed to meet up. But even though Ben knew where it was, getting there without teleports is a struggle in a half. The problem is that there were many other girls who didn't like having a low tier walking around "their" dorms.

"What are you doing here weakling? Came to get another beatdown" Illena said, in her usual bitchy tone. She had a strenght ability. Behind her was Yuline who had a clobber ability.

"No. I agreed to meet up with Remi and her friends so I'm going to her dorms" Ben tried to explain.

"And why would the queen want to talk to a weakling like you?" Yuline asked, activating her ability.

"Alright I'm sick of your bitchy attitudes" Ben said, his eyes glowing slightly.

"What did you just say?" Illena yelled, sharging at Ben. But right before she hit him, all her momentum disappeared. Ben on the other hand swung his arm at incredible speeds and punched Illena in the face, throwing her back.

"You'll pay for that!" Yuline yelled, charging at Ben. But before she landed a hit, Ben and Illena switched positions and Yuline punched Illena in the face instead, knowing her out. She turned around just in time to be kicked hard in the stomach. Yuline flew back, grabbing her torso.

"Come after me or any of my friends and I will drop you of the roof of the school over and over until every single one of your bones break" Ben said, walking away to Remi's dorm.

Bruh. Why didn't you just let me handle them?

Nah. These two aren't that strong so I doubt they will go after John or Sera. Besides, John will be able to fight em of. Hopefully.

I have a bad feeling about those two. But if you say so.

"Hey Ben" Remi said, after Ben walked into her dorm.

"Hi guys. Who we beatin tonight?" Ben asked, looking at Isen's laptop.

"We are gonna try to record this one and get Embers attention" Isen explained.

"Should be simple enough. I can record it while X-Ray kicks butt" Ben said.

"Thats the plan" Blyke confirmed.

"Well see ya this weekend guys. I'll bring a new gadget next time for you to try out Remi."

"What is it?"

"You'll see" Ben said, before disappearing.


"Hey John. Nice hair" Ben said, ruffling John's hair a bit. "What's the occasion?"

"Takes to long. Me and Sera are gonna practice hand to hand combat on the roof. You wanna come?" John asked.

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