Phase 1

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3.1 Tanner Regeneration.

Jake walked away form Kalum who had phantom push. His next target was a 3.1 kid with Regeneration.

By now everyone knew about Jake. Everyone feared him but nobody fought him. In just two days he successfully crippled most of the mid tiers and sent then to the infirmary. There were just 2 left. Tanner and Brea. 3.1 and 3.2

Jake found the two walking in the mostly empty hallway.

'... come for us? We are then next strongest students!'

'Yes he probably will. I don't want to loose my ability. What will I do without it?'

"Suffer" Jake yelled from behind the two. They spun around.

"AGH. STAY BACK!" Brea said, shooting Jake in the head. He didn't even flinch. He answered by kicking her into the wall and slicing off her ability. Tanner turned around and ran, but he didn't even take 3 steps before both of his legs broke and his ability was severed.

"Mid tiers. Done" Jake said, walking away from his two victims and walking up the roof. His next target and his favorite place was there.

"Hey. This place is for Royals only! Get lost!"

"Oh? You don't recognize me? Guess I will have to remind you" Jake said, walking towards him.

"Stop" A voice startled them both. It was Arlo.

"Jake. A word?"


"What are you doing?"

"Taking care of the trash. Someone has to do it."

"All you are doing is throwing everyone into panic."

"Really? Take a moment to listen Arlo." Jake said, punning a hand up to his ear. "Hear that abuse and pain? Me neither! Look at how peaceful I made the school. With no abilities the low tiers have nothing to fear. Now everyone is on even playing fields."

"..." Alor didn't respond.

"Oh. You don't like peace and quiet? Don't worry. This is just phase 1"

"What are talking about?"

"Do you think I want peace? No. I want the mid tiers and elite tiers to understand the pain and suffering of low tiers. I want a change. And the best way to enforce that change is revolution. I am a manifestation of their pain and suffering mixed with an insane amount of power."

"You are taking away the abilities of said tiers!"

"Even if I beat up all of you 100 times you won't understand even the slightest bit of pain that the low tiers go through. You will just hate me like others hate you. But if I put you on the bottom of the ladder and put the low tiers on the top and have them be corrupted by power? You will be helpless against everyone."

"How can you possibly do that?!"

"Just watch and enjoy your little peace while you still can. This is just the calm before the storm. Soon even John won't be able to stop the apocalypse thats about to come" Jake said, phasing through the floor. A second later Arlo heard a slam and a crack. When he opened the door to the roof he saw rooftop kid in a crater in the floor, his hair grey.


"Guys we have to do something about this!" Remi said, slamming some papers in front of Blyke and Isen. They were in the press conference room since everyone already left.

"We need more info. I looked into his school files and nothing. He didn't have an ability or a description or even a file. Even the teachers don't know about him. He just popped out of nowhere and started to take abilities away." Isen reported.

"So we don't know his ability nor his level. What are we supposed to do?" Remi asked.

"How about we just blast him?" Blyke suggested.

"And if he takes away your ability?" Ben asked, walking into the room.

"Well what do you suggest? Sit still and do nothing? He is brutalizing everybody!" Blyke yelled at Ben.

"Not everybody. Plus it's not anything new to this school. Plus-minus one abuser doesn't change much. The only difference is that you feel that he is a threat to you. Otherwise none of you would care." Ben answered, walking toward Blyke.

"What are you talking about? We do everything in our power to maintain a safe environment inside the school!" Remi said.

"Safe? This place is safe?"

"Well we are low on numbers, but we stop any accidents we see"

"And how many have you stopped this week?"

"Well there was 3 accidents. We intervened before things got worse" Blyke said. Ben stopped for a second.

Then he laughed.

"3? HA HA HA! 3? Out of at least 29 that I felt? And that was just a part of the school! YOU PEOPLE DO NOTHING. ALL THE SH*T HAPPENS WHILE YOU AREN'T LOOKING!"

"What?..." Remi began. Blyke and Isen looked at Ben.

"This place ain't f*cking safe. Low tiers are beat up constantly. Every single day. My friend John has been sent to the infirmary almost every day. Some random low tiers are being sent to the infirmary just as often! You two" Ben pointed at Blyke and Isen. "While the stone skin kid was beating up a low tier where were you? BLOWING UP A HALL OVER A PEN. And you Remi? Where were you when 3 low tiers were being taken advantage of by Illena and her gang? FIGHTING OVER A F*CKING CAKE! What was Seraphina doing while low tiers suffered? BEATING UP A CRIPPLE. What about Arlo? He was to busy ambushing John and I. What about his lakey? Who knows. What about Zeke? HE WAS THE ONE BEATING UP SEVERAL LOW TIERS IN THE DORMS FORCING THEM TO BOW TO HIM. Everyone here is either blind or are a$$holes. This new student is just gonna show you all what low tier's lives are like. And how cruel people get. Good luck dealing with this."

"But you have power. This is your responsibility just as much as ours!" Blyke yelled.

"Wrong. I have nothing to do with the way you ran the school. Besides I haven't fully recovered my power so there is nothing I can do. I will say this before I go. This thing goes after those that deserve it and it feeds of of the pain of the people around it. The worse things get the stronger it gets. His entire existence is proof that the low tiers are always suffering. Your best bet is either solving violence and hatred or fighting together. None of you stand a chance."

With that Ben left. But not before noticing an invisible person behind the door.


"So you two are the power couple in this school? Well lets go. Outside for a fight. If you win I'll give you extra abilities. If you lose I'll take yours" Jake said to Meili and Ventus, The two heard rumors about a student who walked around, taking away abilities, so they knew this would come. Both activated their abilities and Ventus pushed Maili toward Jake with his wind. Jake caught her by the throat and threw her onto the ground.

"Meili!" Ventus yelled and tried to push Jake of of her with his wind. But Jake slowly pulled out his scythe and took Meili's demon claws. The then leaped at Ventus and did the same to him.

"Why are you doing this?" Ventus asked, his hair turning grey.

"Why? Simple.

Because I'm stronger now than all of you!"

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