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"Thanks doc" Ben said, walking out of the infirmary.

"Your tonics are getting better every day" John commented.

"Get the f*ck out, and DON'T break anything today, I have a date" Doc said, annoyed as always.

Ben and John walked out of the infirmary and got ready to leave, when someone called them from behind.

"Yo, John and Ben, thats a good look for you two" the boy with blue hair said.

"Can we help you?" Ben asked. He knew where this was going but was way to tired to care.

"Word around school is... Seraphina's been suspended for a month. So the girls and I wanted to borrow you for some target practice after classes today. You don't have anything better to do, right? So how 'bout it?"

"Waste of time. You three weaklings wouldn't be able... to land a single hit on me" John said, pissing of the blue haired boy in front of him. But before he could do anything to John, Doc grabbed his shoulder.

"I just want everyone here to know, that I have a date tonight, and if anyone makes me work overtime I'll kill them, got it? That includes you two as well" Doc finished, looking at John and Ben.

"I'm watching you @$$holes. Y'all better scram" doc said, walking away and leaving the five of us alone.

"Consider yourself lucky today. Congrats on stalling long enough for Doc to bail you out. But remember this... someone like you will never be more than a leech who feeds of others" the blue hair finished, before walking away.

Look who is talking. You always suck up to the strong to ensure your own safety.


The next day John was walking in the hallway, texting Sera, when the king stoped him before the two could collide again.

"I thought I told you to watch where you are going" Arlo said, looking over John, then at John's phone, before walking away.


John and Ben were thrown into the wall, causing the first to cough and the second one to spit out blood.

"Really? That's it?" The red hair girl said.

"Well what'd you expect? One is a cripple and the other is to tired to use his ability" the purple haired guy replied.

"Yea, but that was a bit too underwhelming! I mean, they didn't even get to fight back..."

"Eh whatever, let's go. We're done here".


"Two broken ribs and a dislocated shoulder. Three broken ribs, a pierced lung, and a broken arm. You both really outdid yourselves this time" Doc said to Ben and John.

"Look, Doc! I didn't start anything this time! Those two just came and attacked us out of nowhere. I didn't provoke them I swear-!" John tried to explain himself.

"I don't want to hear it. John I'm really getting tired of this. You should know how to avoid these kinds of situations by now" Doc said before leaving. Ben was drinking energy drinks again while John reached into his pocked to text Sera. But when he pulled his phone out he noticed that the screen was shattered and the phone was unusable. In anger, he slammed it on the floor and started to head towards the exit.

"Where do you think you are going?" Doc asked, grabbing Johns shoulder.

"Let go" John yelled, shaking Docs hand of of him.

"Why you little..." Doc began.

"Doc, I didn't come to school so I could spend the entire day in the infirmary. I'm leaving" John said walking away.

"Don't... take another step! Just what do you expect to accomplish by going out looking like that? You're walking around with an even bigger target on your back!"

"Honestly, Doc, I'm not the one you should be worrying about" John said with venom in his voice.

"John. My policy exists to reduce students injuries. If you leave now... Regardless of what you do, you'll only cause me more trouble. So, if you have any respect for me, you'll listen and sit your ass back down" Doc said, with his ability active. Him and John were staring each other down and Ben was looking back and forth between the two. Eventually John mumbled 'fine' and laid down on the bed, pushing past Doc.

Hey guys. Author here. Don't forget to vote on this fanfic if you have enjoyed. And feel free to comment constructive criticism.

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