21: I know you're the oldest but you are still mommy's little boy

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Esther's POV

"Esther!" I basically jumped out of my bed when someone stormed into my room. I looked up, with my eyes barely open, and saw my dad in his weekend edition. His old joggers and a stained shirt from his college days. "Is this lunch today really important? I'm tired from my shift last night and you know that I don't like dressing upon the weekend's."

I scratched my eyes hoping it would wake me up a bit. "Yes, dad. It's really important. When we get home you can sleep until Monday morning."

He rolled his eyes and walked closer to me to kiss my forehead. "The things I do for you. Good morning, kiddo." With that he exited my room.

Let's hope everything goes smoothly.

Matthew's POV

"How many people are coming today, Matt?!" My mom yelled from the kitchen.

I was playing video games with Ross, so I paused to think. "Well you bave us, which is 9, plus Ther and her dad, so 11, then Josh and Adam and their mom, that's 14, the rest of the gang, that's 19, and the Black's, so in total 23!"

"I think that was the fastest math you did in your whole life." Ross muttered and I smacked him on the head.

After two seconds mom walked in the living room with her phone in her hands. "Matt you counted 4 Black's."


"There is 5 of them, you didn't count Adrian."

"No, I didn't count Alexis." I told her. She rolled her eyes and started typing something on her phone.

"Okay, so the guests should be arriving soon, then we call the twins so they could be present for your surprise, and then we eat." I just nod at her plan, expecting her to walk away, but instead she sits next to me. "You know you can tell me everything? I know you're the oldest but you are still mommy's little boy."

She squeezed my cheek and Ross started laughing uncontrollably. I removed her hand and gave her a warm, slightly awkward, smile. "Okay, mom, I know."

She stood up and walked away, but not before she said, "You two better go put some decent clothes on now."

We huffed and quit the game. I sprinted to my room and started digging through my closet trying to find something normal to wear. After a few minutes I found a black hoodie that my mom got me at some fashion week in Paris. When I took of my shirt a soft knock erupted my room.

I opened the door and was met with my little sister holding two dresses, one dress in each hand. "What can I help you with, Emma?"

She walked into my room and plopped herself on my bed. "Which dress is better?"

I took my hoodie and put it on. One dress was red while the other one was also red.  One dress had a bow while the other one also had a bow. The point is I didn't see any difference in them, but I knew if I told her that she would scream at me. It wouldn't be the first time, but she would usually scream at Tini, not me. "The one in your right hand. It's prettier."

She nodded and stood up. "Okay, that means the left one. Thanks bro!"

She ran towards her room and I started walking downstairs. I walked into the living room and saw that everyone was already here. I said 'hi' to every person individually hugging them, except for Alexis, I waved at her.

I started looking for a specific person but I couldn't spot her. My dad must've noticed that because he approached me and whispered. "She's in the kitchen with your mother."

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