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4 years later...


Esther's POV

"Let's go! We're going to be late!" I yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

"Mommy, it's a 4 hour drive to there, and it's only 8 AM! The game starts at 5!" My 4 year old, well she will be 4 in a month, yelled from upstairs. She and Matt were getting ready and it was taking way to long.

"I know, baby, but we are meeting everyone at grandma's and grandpa's house in 10 minutes and-" Before I could finish my answer Olivia and Matt came down the stairs. I stared at them in disbelief. What the hell? "What am I looking at?"

They had white, red and blue stripes painted on their faces, both of them wearing jerseys, Matt just the shirt and Olivia shirt and shorts. They also both had scarfs and flags in their hands. Before I could speak, not sure what exactly, they both turned around and on their back's written MORGAN and under it number 17. "We have to be ready, my dear wife, it's a big day. I have to support my sister."

Today Tini is making her debut with the USWNT, which is women's national team, and making her the youngest player to ever make her debut for the team at 17 years old. "I get that, but you will scare people at the stadium. You're scaring me right now." I joked and Matt rolled his eyes and kissed me. "Okay, let's go you two."

After our 10 minute drive we were in front of the Morgan house, and everyone was standing next to their car's waiting for us. "Auntie Brec!"

Olivia ran out of the car towards, well now, a young woman who had a huge smile on her face. She was standing next to two young men, Adam and Mario, and I couldn't help but to notice someone's not here. Mario flew here only for today so he could watch his sister but he would fly tonight back because of his training. He and Tini became really successful really young. There were even talks about her and one more girl getting signed by the first team, where Mario is now, and changing the whole soccer history.

I went to hug everyone and say hi to everyone. "So how are we all carpooling? Who's with who?"

It's weird to see so many Morgan kids being so grown up, Ross who's 18 listening to music, Mario's 17 but I rarely see him so every time I do he's like a new person, Emma and Justin 16 years old and playing some game with a 15 year old Mason.

"It's me, Adam and Mario, and then the rest of the Morgan juniors in Ross' car, and you three and Sara and Patrick in their car." Brec explained everything and showed how organized she is as always.

"Wait. Only you three? Where's-"

"He's not coming." Brec replied with a sad smile on her face and spoke about her twin brother.

"Mommy, can I drive with them?" Olivia yelled from Brec's arms.

"Why don't you ask me all this stuff?" Matt joked with her. She wiggled out of Brec's arms and walked towards him. Their conversations are very amusing. She motioned with her finger for him to duck down. He did snd she patted his cheek.

"Because, you are daddy, and you would say no because I know you want to ride with me, but mommy thinks rati-, wait, rati-" She looked at me with scrunched eyebrows. "Mommy, how do you say it?"

"Rationally, baby."

"Yes, rationanlly!"

"Can we go now?!" Ross yelled from his car.


"If one more person, NO, if one more girl stops you so she could get a picture with you and then all of us have to stop I will shave your head!" Ross yells at Mario who just smirked in return.

We've arrived two hours ago and settled in the hotel that the national team provided for us. We all changed into our jerseys and took the VIP passes that were waiting for us in our rooms.

We started exploring the city, well actually we were trying to find our way towards the stadium, but a lot of girls were stopping us so they could take pictures with Mario. Brec and Adam were teasing him but he did not seemed to mind. He enjoyed it even more since it pissed Ross off.

"Uncle Ross!" Olivia called him and he softened his features and smile at her.

"Yes?" He took her in his arms and she started touching his hair.

"Why will you shave uncle Mario's hair?" She asked innocently while twirling his hair around her little finger.

They started discussing which way is the stadium when I got a text.

You sure about today?

I smiled at the phone and replied with a 'Yes'. After two hours we were at the stadium, in the VIP section, and we were watching the teams getting ready before the game. They were playing against Brazil and I could see that the players were nervous.

"There's auntie Tini!" Olivia pointed with her finger at a young woman who had her hair put up in a ponytail and who was running with her teammates.

I looked at my phone and saw a reply from Tini. The second later I felt arms being wrapped around me and someone's head being placed on my shoulder. "You're staring at that thing since this morning." My husband whispered in my ear. "Is there someone I should know about?"

"Yes. My second husband. He's a billionaire but is ugly, so I'm with you because of your looks and with him because of his money." I joked.

"Oh, really? Well then, be sure that you take all the money that you can get, because after tonight, you won't even remember his name." He teased and bit my earlobe. I was about to answer but the national anthem interrupted us. I looked at the pitch and the players were standing next to each other. I couldn't spot Tini which meant she was on the bench. Matt told me that it's normal for the new players to be on the bench at first so I didn't question anything.

The first half passed quickly. After a lot of jumping and yelling from my dear family we were losing 0-1.

"Are we gonna win, uncle Mario?" Olivia asked kind of sad. She gave him her puppy eyes as if he could change the course of the game.

He took her in her arms and kissed her cheek. "I don't know that, but what I do know is that if your aunt starts playing she will change the whole game."

She just nodded and wiggled her way down. The whistle signaled that it was time for the second half to start. The ball was in the middle of the pitch waiting for it to be kicked. But instead of motioning for the kick, the referee pointed to the side of the pitch where the first substitution was getting ready.

"And making her first time onto the pitch is Martina Morgan 17, who's substituting Alexandra Henderson 8." We all started yelling and cheering when she ran onto the middle of the pitch.

The second half started and it seemed like the team played a bit better, at least that's what Matt said. They've had had a lot of chances during the first 25 minutes.

At one moment, few minutes before the end, Tini received the ball and started running. She passed one player, the second player and few more before kicking the ball that ended up behind the goalkeeper, at the back of the net.

We all jumped to our feet and celebrated her goal. When she wanted to celebrate the goal she motioned with her arms the way someone would rock a baby to sleep and the pointed her finger at me.

Everything seemed silent around me as everyone stared at me, even though the whole stadium was cheering and yelling.

Olivia gave me a weird look and Matt asked me. "Are you pregnant, Ther?"

I just nodded and my baby girl jumped into my arms and Matt hugged us both and swirled us around.

Olivia jumped down towards her grandma and grandpa so she could celebrate with them. Matt and I stayed embraced and he whispered in my ear. "We're having a baby."

"We're having a baby." I replied and kissed him. I kissed my husband, the father of my children, my moon, my everything.

My first happy ending.

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