02: There is more to me than a good body and a big dick

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Esther's POV

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

I'm never late. Never. I hate being late. Hell, I even hate being late to be early. It's my second day in the new school and I just had to be late.

You see, I woke up early this morning, I don't know why, and decided to go for a run. And OF FUCKING COURSE I had to get lost. So when I got home I showered and I was on my way to school on time but then I noticed that I forgot my sketchbook so here I am now 10 minutes before the class starts and nowhere near my school.

"Ugh Esther you fucking moron!" I said to myself. That's when something scared me. A car stopped right next to me. It was some sports car and it had those dark windows you see in movies. Oh my God! Is this the end for me? Is this the FBI?! Or worse, some gang? When windows rolled down, I rolled my eyes.

"What do you want?" I asked the one and only Matthew Morgan. I couldn't help but notice 3 children in the backseats. Nicky was right, those children are fucking gorgeous. Two boys and one girl. The girl smiled and said, "She doesn't seem like all those other girls you bring home, I like her." I smiled at her but quickly tried to hide it and focused on the black eyed boy in front of me.

"What do you say new girl? Wanna ride?" Then he smirked. "To school I mean, not me." What a pig.

Now, you see, I have two options. Either to be very late and probably get lost, or be at least on time and have an annoying ride. Oh Lord help me.

"Fine." I huffed and went to the other side of the car to open the door. I entered the car and he started the drive. Matthew just focused on the road, he didn't even look at me. Maybe the ride will be filled with silence and peace. But of course I spoke too soon.

"Hi!" The boy who was sitting behind me said. He had brown hair and blue eyes. He was adorable.

"Hi." I said with a small smile on my face.

"Who are you and how do you know my brother?" He asked. I could see his eyes getting wide while waiting for my answer.

"We go to school together. I'm Esther, what is your name?" Why am I being so friendly?

"My name is Mario, this is my twin sister Martina and my older brother Ross." When he said twins I was surprised they don't really look alike.

Suddenly the car stopped and I looked outside to see some other school with a lot of children in front of it. "Okay, guys, have a nice day at school! Mom will pick you up, Ross, and Mario and Tina, dad will pick you two up." Before Martina exited the car she said, "Go to hell", and slammed the door. Wow, he pissed her off.

He started driving away but not before he asked, "So you tell your name to my brother and not to me. I'm hurt Star." Huh?


"That's my nickname for you. Esther, Sther, Star. Simple." Again, huh?

"Did you just come up with that?"

"Yupp." He popped the 'p'.

In that moment I decided to ignore him. It was difficult, trust me, the guy is basically Sex on the legs. He was on my mind the whole day yesterday. I just wish that Nicky is wrong maybe. But whenever he opens his mouth he just proves how right she is. Don't get me wrong, I don't like the guy, but hey, I wouldn't mind a good sex from time to time.

"A penny for your thoughts?" He asked.

"Fuck off." I said before he stopped thee car on the parking lot. But he locked it before I could get out.

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