9 ➸ ebony bones

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{Bleeding Out by Imagine Dragons}

Carl (bae af)

My eyes rolled both directions in my sleep, and I knew something was trying to pull me awake. The voices were quite distant and mellow, but I heard them, and they gave my body a jolt.

"Ian, what do we do?"

"Do we just...leave her here?"

"Did you check the upstairs?"

"Ian, I'm scared!"

"Violet, shut up! What if there are others in this damn place? Keep yer' mouth shut!"

The voices I was hearing were faint and distant and where shout whispers. At first I thought I was hearing them inside my dream, but ones I fluttered my eyes open, I still heard them. And this time; more clearer and concise.

I pulled my head up, hoisting my elbows on the couch. I was on the upstairs sofa, gone without a shirt and in my tight, black jeans. My hair was knotty and fell over my eyes, and I had to scram away the shaggy strands and blink my vision into place.

I groaned sleepily, and I sat upright on the red couch. I was patting around for my gun aimlessly when an abrupt slam came sounding from downstairs.

"Shh!" a voice hushed.

My whole body tensed. I froze on the couch for a second, my jaw tightened and my heart accelerating. The room I was in was just near the staircase, which would lead me downstairs and to the mysterious noises.

I waited a moment, until I heard a few more struggles and rummaging from downstairs. I couldn't map out which part of the house these voices came from, because it wasn't my property. Sage and I had decided to crash here while we gathered ourselves.


She was in the downstairs living room, and those voices weren't hers.

And suddenly, I felt my whole stomach drop and my face go white. I swallowed down nothing but dry saliva, and I reached for my gun on the nightstand. I hadn't worried much about my shirtless stance, only because I had a pretty girl downstairs in the potential danger I always protected her from.

I didn't give myself time to grab my hat, either, although it made me feel much more dominant and complete.

I ran as lightly as I could to the staircase, my gun secured between my clammy palms. I stood by the way to exit the top level, and I heard another faint whisper from only steps away.

I then made my way down the spiral staircase, a readied gun in hand. I bit my lip and felt my chest rise and fall, and my hair stuck to my face intensely.

I made it to the bottom, and I hid behind a blue wall. My head peaked over and I peered into the living room, where Sage soundingly slept on the black sectional couch. Her body was tangled in a wool blanket and her lovely eyes were shut closed. She looked unharmed, peaceful.

Another hushed voice sounded in the kitchen, and I jerked my head over to the source with determination.

Get the fuck out of here.

I skidded to the kitchen, where I took a few breaths as a count. And once the time was over, I turned around and busted myself through the kitchen door and held my gun up before me.

I firmed my face and looked all around, and a whimper came from the table.

I spun my body around and aimed my gun for the head of a young girl, and a taller man standing in front of her.

Sage ➸ Carl GrimesWhere stories live. Discover now