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「 six ; loophole。 」━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

JAEMIN WAS AWAKEN FROM the stifle sobs of her parents, especially her mother, that filled the room. jaemin struggled to open his eyes, let alone sit up.

once their parents found him awake and conscious; jaemin was welcomed back with a hard slap across his face. jaemin was shocked as his head was snapped to his side. him and his father were started by his mother's sudden actions.

"what were you thinking, huh?!" she spat out. "do you know how much the hospital bill costs?" she scoffs before she continues scolding her 'ignorant' son.

head still facing the side, tears trickled down jaemin's cheeks. he couldn't talk back to his mother-- he didn't even knew why he did it, it just happened. a lump of some sort was lodging on jaemin's throat. he couldn't spawn out these words as he himself didn't know what those words were.

"the school will pay for all of the hospital expenses." jaemin's chemistry professor spoke up from the door. "it is an incident that happened at our watch. let's just be thankful that jaemin is well."

jaemin's mother scowled at her professor. "good!" she took his father's hand and dragged him with her as they stormed out. purposely bumping her shoulder on the professor.

glossing over that, his professor smiled at him. "are you okay jaemin?" jaemin plastered a tight smile before he nodded. "don't worry about anything okay? now, go get some rest." the professor heads out of the room and closer the door softly.

once the door clicked, jaemin scanned the room and looked for his bag. he picked up his bag that settled down on the floor by his side. he rummaged through his stuff to find his chemistry textbook. it was his last class so surely it was in there. jaemin figured it was time to pay back his kind chemistry professor by finally passing his class.

about to pull out the textbook, jaemin saw an unfamiliar looking notebook in his bag. jaemin pulled it out and saw a cherry blossom tree drawn on the cover. on the corner top of it, it says; jaemin, read this.

out of curiosity, jaemin flips through the notebook and once again, these fragments of memories he lost were back to him again. this time for sure, these missing puzzle pieces won't go anywhere. jaemin was in the hospital, not the classroom.

it seems like he and hwayoung found a loophole.

at the very last page, it was written the scenario that happened yesterday. it was about jaemin carving her name on his arm with a pair of scissors. every detail of the event was written on the page, it was awfully descriptive to the point that jaemin could visibly remember.

jaemin glanced at his left arm. his once slitted arm was now sued. the sewed slit has now written a "화영" permanently on his arm. jaemin tried to find a reason why in the world would he do this, but it just felt right.

what jaemin couldn't remember was the fact that he had doubts about the notebook-- hwayoung. he didn't know if he should trust her words or anything written on the notebook. but with this; with jaemin slitting arm, it just proves everything to be right. he had no more doubts.

on the notebook, jaemin retrieved a pen from his bag and started scribbling the words;

"day seventeen, jaemin didn't attend classes."

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