Got him! wait.. nevermind!

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It had been a couple of hours now. Nick was tied up, Derek was at my house and we were both watching Nicks every move,  He wasn’t awake yet. Derek and I sat on my brown couch that was across from the teal one that Nick was tied up on.

“Do you ever think that he will give up?” Derek asked me with concern.

“I’m not sure… He has never tried to get back together with me until now. I never knew he could be such a phsyco…” I looked at Derek and then I looked away. I immediatey felt pity on Nick.  There was good times with him, it wasnt all bad.  He was sweet and charming, what ever i wanted i could have with him.  Where ever i wanted to go i could go with him.  Now Derek was a diffrent story.  We were together but he was diffrent.  He was calm and sweet and all around a good guy.  There wasnt a bad time with him.  My thoughts were interuppted with Nick waking up.

"Mmmmmm....."  He was still a bit drowsy.

"Goodmorning sunshine."  I looked at him and was sarcastic.

"MMMMM!"  He was angry now.   He couldnt speak or get away.

"What was that?" 

"MMMMM!  Mmmmmmhhmmmmm!" 

"I dont understand you."  i started laughing.  Derek on the other hand had been staring at him.

"So your the infamous Nick." I had never heard Derek talk that way before.  It was sarcastic but strong.  "I should wring your neck and make you unable to speak to my Malia.  But then again im way to nice of a guy to do that.  And my love would never approve.  So, tell you what Nick. I will send you off to the police and make you beg and plea your way out.  I'm sure you would enjoy that alot more than me killing you right here and right now."  I stared at Nick with wide eyes.

"Derek what are you thinking?..."  I didnt know what to expect.

"Oh, nothing Malia.  Just call the cops and we will be over with this."  Nick was still tied up and he couldnt speak.  

"Derek the cops have been here once already.  Apparently i have amniesia and i have a doctors note in which he is my husband."

"Is that so?"  Derek got close to Nick and looked him right in the eyes.  "How did you manage to do that?"   Nick just stared back.  Before i knew it Derek had ripped the duct tape off of his mouth.

"You are NOT her boyfriend!  Malia how could you do this to me?  Dont you remember all the good times we had?  Dont you remeber everything we have been through?  Dont you remember about Lisa?"  He stopped as soon as he heard Derek.

"Lisa..?  Who is Lisa?"  Derek looked at Nick again with sharp eyes.

"Your girlfriends 5 year old daughter."   Derek just looked at me,  He was speechless.

"Is this true?..."  He was now sadened.

"Y-yes.  She is at my mothers this week.  I was planinng to tell you on our next date.  I'm sorry you had to find out like this."

"Its alright.  I love children.  I'm more hurt by that she isnt mine... That she is the product of you and this monster.  I hope she took after you."

"She did.  She is mine.  I have full custody."  I wanted to cry. 

"I hope you also know that Malia is adopted.  And that she is from a family of nobodys."  Nick was now trying to make me look bad.

"I dont care if shes adopted or not."  Derek kept calm, surprisingley.

"I see that you dont know alot about her."  Before anymore was said i duct taped his mouth shut again. 

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