Is there something you want to tell me Mr. Derek?

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  It has been about three weeks now.  Lisa and I have been staying at Krista's.  Derek never called me back and I never saw him again.  I was beginning to worry about him.  What if Nick go to him?  Or what if Nick hurt him?  I didn't know what to think... I figured I should probably go check on my house.  I haven't been there for a while.  I was thinking about all of this while I was driving to the grocery store.  I decided to take the way back home to check it out.  As I pulled up to my drive way I saw Derek's car was there.  Glad to know he was taking care of the house.  That brought a huge relief to all of my thoughts!  I unlocked the door and came in.  I heard people upstairs...

I went to go check it out and someone was in my guestroom.  When I opened the door all I could do was stare.  Derek was with another woman.   I could not believe him!  After all of this time!  I didn't know what to say or do.  I just wanted to punch this other woman! 

"So this is what you have been doing with my house. I am going to need you to leave, now.  Before I call the police for trespassing."   I was furious.

"I thought you wouldn't come back...."  He sounded confused.

"Of course because I'm going to pay my mortgage for you and your mistress live here in my house.  Yeah, that's how it works."  I felt a tear run down my cheek.  I didn't even realize I was crying.

"You weren't supposed to know..."

"I guess not because you never told me.  Now BOTH of you get out of my house in 5 minutes."

"We have to get our things Mal."  He was getting mad now.

"Your things?  Is that so.  How long have you two been together?  Oh wait!  I DONT CARE!  Just get your things and go.  If anything is missing I will call it theft."   I just wanted my house back at this point.  After ten minutes they had gotten ready to leave.  But I wanted to have a word with Derek before he left.

"So I guess you never cared about me.  Couldn't give you what you want right?  While i'm hiding from a killer YOU are having fun.  After all of this time I thought you were trying to protect me and help me.  But no... You wanted a place you and your hooker to be together.  I guess you fed her the same lines you gave me.  And just incase you still think we can 'work things out', we cant.  You want to know why?  Because once a cheater always a cheater.  We are never going to be together again."  I guess second time is to show you that you need to pick better guys.  

"I did love you Malia.  Just things got complicated and I gave up.   Nick stopped coming around, or that I know of, so I decided that Tina was the best thing for me right now.  Easier to manage."

"Easier to manage?  See its guys like you that will never be satisfied.  You will never have a happy marriage and you will never be able to keep a girl.  Now get out of my house before you end up on jail."  After that he just stared at me.  then he left with Tina.  Now I have to burn those sheets and go grocery shopping.  Maybe pick up a new lock for my doors, again.      

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