Love is the only thing that is keeping me sane.

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I found my divorce papers and called the police.  Their immediate reaction to my call was 'm'am your fine.'  i told them what had happened and they still didn't believe me.  So i was left with a physco in my closet, my boyfriend on the edge of killing him and me being stuck in the middle of all of this.  Nick is smart, and he wont stay in that closet for ever.

"I say we let him go." 

"So he can kill you by the time I leave?  Oh yeah Malia, that's a great plan."   He was mad at me...

"He wont kill me and we will force him to go back home.  Simple as that."

"Do you not understand that his mind is focused on killing you.  Torturing you and possibly other things."  Other things?  I was scared of Nick but we had no other choice.

"I understand fully what has to happen and what doesn't.  I need to just think."

"Think about what?  If you want to live or die?  Real tough choice ."  Gosh...Didn't have to be rude about it.

"Your treating this like its a joke.  I really need to just chill out and think." Why cant I just have a minute to think?

"You still care about him..." 

"I don't have any feelings for him.  Trust me."

"If you don't have any feelings for him let me kill him."  Ohh, crap.

"No I wont let you."

"And why is that?" 

"Because if you kill him, you will go to jail.  And then we wont get to be together."  I started to cry again.  I was a cry baby I will admit.  I have never been able to hold my tears back when I got upset.  It was definitely something I needed to work on.

"I go to jail and you will find someone else, and Nick will be taken care of.  All I care is that you are safe."  So he was trying to go to jail.  I don't understand... Maybe Derek wasn't the guy I thought he was.

"So you don't want to be with me... Is this your way of breaking up with me?"  Again came the tears, Stop! Please! Just stop crying Malia!

"I never said that.  It came out wrong.  I want to be with you, but I cant be comfortable knowing that this creep is waiting for you somewhere.  Its just a matter of time before he will be back after we let him go."  He was right.  Nick could come back, But there was nothing else we could do.

"I understand."  Derek then came over to me and hugged me.  All I could think about was that we were basically holding someone hostage in our closet.  We were going to be responsible for him.  I don't know how we are going to get out of this one.  We both cant leave him in my house, and we also both have jobs to go back to.  Derek let go of me and grabbed my hand and pulled me outside.

"I have to go.   You are staying in a hotel tonight.  And I am staying here."  Hotel sounded safe and nice.

"Okay,  I need to pack my bag."  I ran upstairs and packed my bag.  I packed everything I would need to stay a night at a hotel.  After I was done packing Derek locked the closet and pushed one of my couches in front of the door.  After we got in the car i was thinking about how perfect it would be if Nick hadn't decided that he still loved me.  everything would be fine.  I would have a husband, a dog, 3 more children and we would live happily aver after.  But instead i got a horror story that no one saw coming.  I called my daughter Lisa and had her come stay with me at the hotel.  Lisa was a gorgeous, perfect little girl.  She had brown curly hair, blue eyes and tan skin.  She was the happiest 5 year old anyone could ask for.  She was excited that we were staying in a hotel, just like any other little kid.  I had taken her out to a fancy restaurant and then we rented a movie. But Nick was still on the back of mind.  And what Derek was doing to him.

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