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Of course that just had to happen!  I am going to become one of those moms constantly running from her ex- boyfriend...  My daughter will never have stable friendships, my mother will always be worried about me and end up on anxiety medication for the rest of her life and Derek will end up locked away because he will constantly be stalking Nick.  Sounds like a great life!  I said in my head sarcastically.  On the bright side, for now Lisa and I were safe.  I had a friend named Bella but she was on a business trip for the rest of the month.  Another call came in.  I didn't know the number...I answered it and put myself on mute.

"Hello?  Malia?..."  Thank god it was Derek!

"Hey, sorry I wasn't sure about the number.  Why aren't you calling from your phone?"

"He bugged your home phone and my cell phone."  This was bad!

"How do you know he did."

"I just know.  You need to get a new phone then call me back from that.  Call my work phone when you get it.  I have to go for now.  Just needed to tell you that.  Bye."  He hung up.  Well time to get a new phone and number.  Lisa and I were still in the mall so we headed to the nearest AT&T store.  Lisa was still happy and didn't know anything that was happening.  Good thing we were rich!  Derek doesn't know that I'm a millionaire but I would like to keep it that way.  I bought another I-phone and we headed back to the hotel.  Lisa and I got our bathing suits on and went to the indoor pool.  She was swimming in the toddler shallow section where it was only 2 feet deep.  I sat on one of the beach chairs and called Derek back.  I hope Nick hasn't gotten to his work phone yet.  Maybe he's expecting that I will call Derek's work phone.  I had to think like Nick now.  I bet he would have suspected I would call my mother as well.  I decided on calling Dereks Aunt that lives up in Beverly Hills.  Nick doesn't know about her and probably wouldn't even think about her because we have only met once and have never talked on the phone.  I have her number for emergencies only.


"Hi, Kristie?" 

"Yes...Who is this?"  She sounded confused.

"Its Malia, Derek's Fiancé.  I got a new phone and new number."

"Oh he proposed!  How sweet!  He's such a nice young man!  Congratulations dear!"

"Thank you and he hasn't formally proposed yet, im in a lot of trouble."

"What's wrong?"

"My ex- husband Nick is after me.  We had him tied up and then he got away.  He's trying to hurt me.  Lisa, my daughter and I are at the Hilton hotel.  Nick bugged our phones so I got a new one.  Some how Derek knew he did.. But that's not the big issue.  The main reason im calling is because I was supposed to call Derek's work but I figured Nick, my ex, would have planned that I would do that and possibly could be waiting for me to call there."  I explained the rest of everything that has happened and she was understanding. She also told me that Derek was once in the FBI.  That explains how he knew he bugged our phones.

"Oh, that's terrible.  I will call Derek and tell him your new number but I will say its the number to the Jewelers.  Just stay at the hotel and keep the little one busy."

"Thanks a lot Kristie.  Call me later, okay?" 

"Okay, bye bye."

"Bye."  Great she was willing to help us.  In the mean time I got a locker by the pool and put my phone in it.  Then I went to play in the water with Lisa. 

The Ex That Decided We Werent Over.Where stories live. Discover now