chapter 22

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*Emmalines POV*

"We leave tomorrow morning,so make sure everything is packed." Drew yelled from the front of the bus.

I sighed as I packed my last shirt into my suitcase.i zipped my suitcase up and turned around to see Jayy struggling to close his suitcase. "Need help." I chuckled.

"I'm a man,I can do this." he said as he struggled to zip it up.

I laughed an helped him close it.

"Thanks." he muttered under his breath.

"What Jayy,I didn't hear you." a big grin came across my face.

"I said thanks."

"See! You couldn't close it without me!" I pointed at him and did a victory dance.

"Sometimes I think my girlfriend has issues." He shook his head,but I knew he was trying not to laugh.


"It's so hot out here." Jayy whined. "How are you wearing a jacket?" he asked.

"I have my reasons to wear a jacket." I said so quietly only Jayy could hear.He looked at me and by his facial expression I knew he understood what I meant.

"Promise me you'll never do it again."

I wasn't going to make a promise I could keep so I shook my head.

"Please.For me." he grabbed my hand.

"Fine." I gave in.He leaned down and pecked my lips before running over to drew,who was calling him.

"Last day of warped,looking forward to getting back home" Sally appeared next to me.

"Not going to miss everyone." I sighed.

Dahvie and Jayy started singing the first song for their set.













Can't stop the tickles.

They call me Dr. Giggles.

It's o-o-o-off the chizzle

Fo' shizzle dizzle

I'm bangin' with the b-o-t-o-dizzle

With wiffles

'Cause I dribble like I'm rubbing on nipples.

Gotta get out the pickle

Make it rain with the ripples.

Let my, candy rum trickle

Get you buzzed with double triples.

Getting head, in rentals

Avoiding the parentals.

This is ghetto, plain and simple

With the down beat tempo.

Oh, no!

They be hatin' us.

'Cause we're glamorous.

They be hatin' us.

'Cause I'm fabulous.

Can't stop me once I've started,

Baby, got me retarded.

Don't phunk-phunk-phunk-phunnnk

With my heart.


Chop, chop, chop you up.

I'm a monster, (hah, hah hah)

Eat you like a cannibal,

Spit you out like an animal."


"I would like to call an amazing person on stage,Emmaline." Jayy looked over at me and I shook my head.He dropped the mic and ran over to me.

He picked me up over his shoulder and went back to his mic."Let me down motherfucker!" I punched his back and he put me down.

"This girl here,she is amazing.She is my everything.Emm,I'm proud to call you my girlfriend and no matter what I will always love you,don't ever forget that."

I ran off stage before he could even finish.I was too shy.


Thats all guys I have to go out now -.-"

Merry Christmas to you all C:

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