Chapter 4

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We Walked up to the gates of the show.It was free entry but not free for everything else.As we walked through the gates Jayy got a few stares from parent with children and ignorant pricks who dont accept some people will be different."Do you ever get insecure when people look at you like that?" i asked as i looked up at Jayy,he was significantly taller than me."No,never,i've gotten looks like that ever since i was about thirteen so it doesn't phase me," he said as he guided us through the crowds."So what shall we do first?'' he asked.''Rollercoaster!" i yelled in excitement.His smile got wider,"Rollercoaster it is.'' 

We walked over to the line for the tickets to the rollercoaster.There were about 5 people in front of us so it shouldn't take too long."Your so short." Jayy said as he towered over me."Your just too tall,you're about the same height as Andy." He nodded and looked back at the line.I went through my pockets,''Fuck," i mumbled.Jayy turned his head back to me,'What is it?'' he asked as he raised an eyebrow."I forgot my fucking money when i stormed out the door," i sighed."Don't worry about it," he said.I shook my head,"It's not alright." He gave me a stare and i knew it was no use arguing.As we got to the ticket booth Jayy paid for our tickets and we walked over to the line to get on the ride.

--------------------10 minutes later--------------------------

Ten minutes had passed and it we were finally getting on the roller coaster."How do you like these things?'' Jayy asked as the man locked him into the chair properly.''I dont know,dont you like them?'' i asked as i looked up to him.He shook his head and i giggled a little bit,"Didn't know the badass Jayy von monroe was scared of anything," i said as i playfully nudged him."Im not scared!'' he retorted.I shook my head and smiled.''Ladies and gentlemen,hold on tight here we go!'' the man operating the ride yelled over the speaker.Jayy held onto the bar really tight and i couldn't help but laugh.The roller coaster started slowly and got faster and faster.

As the ride came to a stop Jayy took in a deep breathe.''That was intense." 

"Eh,it wasn't that scary." i joked.''So where to next?'' He asked.I took in a deep breathe,"well you choose now." a big grin came across his face.''What are you thinking Jayy?'' i asked curiously.His grin got even wider.The guy who was operating the ride came over and lifted the safety bar off us so we could exit.We walked off the ride and down back to where the crowds were.''So where are we goi-'' before i could finish that question jayy had stopped outside a small stall with tubs of cotton candy,''Are you serious?'' i asked.''Its Cotton candy,it reminds me of Dahvie's hair when its pink,of course im serious," his face filled with excitement.I shook my head as a big grin came across it.We stood behind the person who was currently buying their cotton candy and looked like a giant 5 year old child on crack.

The lady in front of us had walked away with their tub of cotton candy.''Whats the biggest tub you have?'' Jayy asked.The man at the counter turned around and grabbed a giant tub that was about the size of a basketball.Jayys eyes instantly lit up,''We'll take that one,thanks." The man handed the cotton candy bucket to jayy,''That's $11.50 please.'' Jayy handed him a $20 and we walked off eating the pink cotton candy.

A few hours had passed and we went on a shit tonne of rides and we ate the whole fairy floss bucket.''What time is it?'' I asked Jayy.He grabbed his phone out of his pocket,''9.40." We continued to walk along the street until we came back to the warped tour grounds where all the buses were parked.''Have you met Dahvie yet?'' Jayy asked."Uh,i dont think so." i said.''Well,want to come back to my bus and meet him?'' Jayy asked.I chewed on my bottom lip,a bad habit that i always seem to do when im thinking about something important or when im angry."Sure," i breathed out."You don't have to if you dont want to," he said.I did want to meet him but i was just a really shy person,"I do want to,im just nervous because of how shy I am." i said."Don't worry everything will be fine." he assured me.

We came to their bus which was parked next to our and we walked inside to see Dahvie sitting on the couch drinking.As soon as Dahvie turned his head and saw us he jumped up from his spot,"Jayy! Where have you been! You went out for a smoke and you never came back and who's that?'' he asked pointing at me.Jayy giggled a little bit,"Stop acting like my Mum Dahv,and this is Emmaline,she's Andy Biersack's sister and she is on tour with them," Jayy said.Dahvie looked much more calm and relaxed now,''So where did you go?'' he asked.''Just to the show,that was down the road.'' Dahvie looked hurt,''You went to a show without me?'' he asked.Jayy laughed a bit.''You bastard,you left me here to die,'' Dahvie said sarcasticly.

Dahvie sat back down on the couch and Jayy and i sat down next to him."So how did you meet Jayy? let me guess he kidnapped you?'' Dahvie asked playfully."I did not steal her!'' Jayy yelled back playfully.Dahvie giggled."Well.uh we a week ago,i ran into him after chasing after cc,then uh again one morning,then i was sitting on the roof of bvb's bus and jayy climbed up there," i managed to say.''Why were you on the top of a fucking tour bus?'' Dahvie asked curiously.I shrugged.We sat around talking for what felt like a few minutes but it was really a few hours.

"well,im going to bed night," Dahvie said as he walked to his room."So,are you going back to your bus?'' Jayy asked.I didn't know whether he meant it as,he didn't want me here or if he was just simply asking."I'll go back now,its 1am anyways," i said."Okay,well ill see you around," he said as i got off the couch and walked to the bus door.I opened it and waved to him.As i stepped out the door the hot air hit me.It was the middle of summer and it was so hot.I shut their tour bus door and walked over to the black veil brides one.As i got to the door i tried to open it but it wouldn't open."fuck..." i sighed.

I felt stupid and walked back to blood on the dance floor's tour bus and knocked on the door.I heard Jayy's footsteps get to the door and he opened it."Back already,i see you missed me,'' He said and smiled widely."haha,funny.Our tour bus door is locked,so uh? Mind if i stay the night?'' i asked awkwardly.''Yeah sure." Jayy stepped aside and let me back in.''There's a few free bunks,so i guess you could sleep in one of them for the night,'' Jayy said as he lead me back to bunk alley.He used his phone as a light as all the others were already sleeping."Here this one is free," Jayy opened the curtain to a neat and tidy bunk.''Thank's" i said before hopping into the bunk and shutting the curtain.


Sorry about a boring chapter Dxxx Please forgive me but i had a major writers block and so many distractions from writing,ill try upload the next chapter within the next day xDDD <3 you all and please remember to Fan,Comment and Vote xD -KrystalRawr 

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