Chapter 2

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"Emmaline wake up," I heard someone whisper.I refused to wake up and went back to sleep."Emmaline," I heard someone say again,someone was poking my face.I opened my eyes to see cc poking me."What?" I questioned."Uh we fell asleep here and your on top of me and I need to take a piss," he said.I groaned as I stood up to let him go.He ran to the bathroom like a mad man being chased by zombies.I walked into bunk alley and found my bunk and collapsed into it.

I woke up to a very quiet bus.No sounds coming from anywhere inside the bus except of the sound of the bands playing outside.I stood up out of my bunk and walked to the kitchen to go on a food hunt.I looked in the fridge but there was nothing.I looked In all the cupboards,"Cereal and uh? Black hair dye?Great?" I said aloud.They have nothing in here.I walked to my bunk and put on some black skinnies and an Alexisonfire shirt.I grabbed $40 that I had and stuffed it into my pocket.I walked out the bus door and made sure to lock it.I walked out of where all the bands were parked passing a lot of familiar band's tour buses.I didn't know where anything was where we currently were so I was hoping to find somewhere where I could buy some food.

I can across a small deli not too far away and entered it.They had everything here.I grabbed a 600ml coke and a packet of skittles.Great breakfast? I know.I went to the guy who was working there and placed my 2 items on the bench."$6.00 please," he said.I handed him the $10 note and grabbed my items,"keep the change!" I yelled as I walked out the store with my items.I walked back down the street back to the warped tour grounds.

I came back to our bus and went to unlock it.Shit...I locked it and I don't have any keys or my phone.I sat on the step out the front of the tour bus waiting for the guys to return.Hopefully they won't be too long.I grabbed my packet of skittles and a big grin came across my face.I started stuffing my mouth with skittles."Sooo goood," I managed to say with my mouth full of skittles. "Save some room in that mouth for me," a familiar voice said.I looked up and i was shocked.

It was Danny worsnop.I should of known he would say something like that.As usual I was being my shy self and didn't say a word."So why are you outside black veil brides bus? We are much better than them anyways," Danny said and winked.I looked at him in disgust,"I'm Andy's brother you pervert!" I snapped.He laughed,"Ok then I'll be seeing you around a lot I guess?" he said confidently.I grabbed a skittle and threw it at him as he walked off but I missed.

I sat on the steps of their tour bus for about another 20 minutes until I saw a tall figure in black walk towards me knowing it would be someone from BVB.As the figure got closer I saw it was cc."Cc!" I yelled and waved excitedly.He waved back and got closer to me until he was right next to me,"Why are you outside?" he asked curiously."Kinda went out to get food and locked the door and no one is here," I explained."well I don't have keys," he explained."Fuck," I sighed.

He grabbed me by the hand and started walking me to the bands entrance to warped tour."What are you doing cc!" I yelled."We're getting the keys," he said in a duh tone.Once we got past the guards he let go of my hand and started to run."cc!Get back here it's busy in here!" I yelled."Nu uh,keep up or fans will slow us down!" he yelled.I ran after him and I hated running.I pushed through the crowds and looked down for a split second and bumped into someones chest which made me fall onto the dirt."Oh shit sorry," I said as I looked up and was looking directly into Jayy Von Monroe's eyes." well," I stuttered.He gave me his hand and I took it.He helped me up off the ground."So what's your-" I cut him off,"Gotta run,sorry,you'll see me later!" I yelled as I started to run again to the direction cc ran.There were so many people here how would I find them.

I continued to push past the crowds when I came across the black veil brides signing tent,"Thank fuck!" I said.I approached the signing table."Andy!" I yelled."Andy you fucking asshole bring me behind there with you!" I yelled."You won't get his attention by insulting him and he won't let you behind there it's a signing table only," a girl with long blonde hair exclaimed.I shook my head and yelled again this time calling cc,"cc you crazy bitch!" I yelled.I caught his attention and he bursted out with laughter."I lost ya!" he said.I shook my head,"Just get me over to you," I said back.He giggled and got out of his seat behind the signing table and reached his hand across the table to me.I took it and he pulled me past the fans who were clearly pissed off at me.Cc pulled me over the table,"Thanks," I said as I fixed my hair.He nodded and continued to sign the fans items.

~~~2 hours later~~~

The guys were finished signing things and it was now 5pm."Who wants to get food? I'm starving" Cc said.Everyone agreed with what cc said and we walked back to our tour bus."So what did you do while we were performing?" Andy asked."I walked to a small shop and bought skittles and a drink,sat on the steps to the bus,Danny worsnop stopped and chatted for about 2 minutes and then cc came to the bus and I lost him running and ran into Jayy Von monroe and then ran to find you guys," I explained."Oh cool?" Andy said unsure.

We got back on the bus and Andy ordered pizza again.I couldn't care less as long as he got my vegetarian pizza as it was the only pizza I ate.

The pizza guy finally arrived with the 11 large pizzas we ordered.We all sat down on the couches together and ate our pizza,"We are leaving in 40 minutes to the next venue!" Jon yelled although he was sitting right next to us.He really did annoy me.He was always so serious.After eating I walked to my bunk and leaned against the wooden divider."Night guys!" I yelled."Night!" they all yelled.

I was laying staring into the blank space when my bunk curtain was opened slightly."Going to bed at 7.40?" cc asked.I nodded."Well,night Emm," he said as he smiled and shut the bunk curtains.

~~~Next morning~~~

I woke up to someone's loud snoring.I groaned and checked my phone."8.43am," I whispered.I got up out of the bed and walked to the main room with my phone in my hand.Everyone was still asleep so I opened the tour bus door quietly and shut it behind me.I walked to the front of my bus and decided I would call my mum.

I pressed her number and it started to ring.The ringing stopped and I heard her familiar voice.

"Hey mum," I said excitedly.

"Hi Emmaline,how are you and how is everything going?" she asked.

"Everything has been going good,we just drove to our second venue and we are here now," I said.

"That's good,Chace misses you already."

I sighed.One reason I feel lonely right now.Chace,my best friend and my dog.

"I miss him too."

"Well Emmaline,I have to go now but have fun and we love you lots," she said

"Love you too mum," I said and hung the phone up and a year fell from my eye.

"Hey,aren't you the girl that I bumped into yesterday?" a familiar voice said.I turned my head to see Jayy standing there.I nodded shyly and quickly wiped the few tears away."So,I never got your name," he said.I hesitated,"uh...well uh..." I got so choked up I've always been shy,"Emmaline biersack." He raised an eyebrow,"Never knew Andy got married," he laughed slightly.I giggled,"He didn't I'm his sister," I explained."Ah,I see," he said smiling."Well..uh.well Jayy I'm going to uh go back inside now," I stuttered."Okay,see you around," he smiled and walked away and I walked towards the door of the tour bus.I walked inside and ran straight to my bunk.

I can't believe I just talked to Jayy Von Monroe.It wasn't a fangirl moment where I screamed,I was actually a pretty chill and down to earth person but that scene kept playing back in my mind,his smile,his laugh.

"Hey Emm," cc said as he nudged me."Fucking flying pancakes what in the world!?" I said."Cc you scared the shit outta me," I said as I held my chest.He laughed slightly,"Oh sorry." I shrugged,"So why are you up so early?" he asked."Not tired I guess?" I said as I stretched."Well.We don't have a show until 1.40 so I guess we can just hang out," he suggested."Oh ok sweet," I said and smiled.

Love Isn't Always Fair [Jayy von monroe and black veil brides fan fiction]Where stories live. Discover now