Chapter 1: What's The Sitch?

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*Kim Possible*

Hey, there. Wanna know a secret? I just graduated from college, and I STILL don't know what I want to do. I'm still deeply in love with my doofus boyfriend, Ron Stoppable. He is with me all the way, and wherever I'm going, I know I want him with me.

He is my ONE constant. I've known him since Pre-K. I love saving the world, and I plan on continuing that. But I also want a real-world career. Ron and I are going back to my hometown Middleton today, to say hello to the tweebs and my parents.

I kissed Ron the cheek as we loaded our suitcases onto the airplane.

" I can't wait to catch up with Monique," I told him. She's still my BFF by the way. She's been my official BFF ever since Ron and I became an item. Can't have your boyfriend be your best freind at the same time. Annoying thing is, we had to get on the airplane back to Middleton at 4 a.m.

" I can't wait to get back to our favorite place in the world!"

" Bueno Nacho?"

" You know it, KP!"

" This is gonna be a long six hours," I grumbled. I had gotten him started. Now I had to deal with the consequences.


" We have flown to a stop. Please unbuckle your seats and file out of the plane in an orderly fashion," the captain told us. I closed my magazine and placed it carefully back in the holder. I turned to my sleeping boyfriend.

" Ron! Ron, wake up!" I called. Ron jumped in his seat, probably squishing poor Rufus underneath.

" Ah! Don't do that!" He yelped. I rolled my eyes.

" We're here. We gotta get off." Ron brightened.

" Bueno Nacho, here I come!" I sighed. This boy is impossible.


What a surprise to find the tweebs were right outside the retrieval station for the luggage. The tweebs are sixteen, yet they are still short compared to yours truly. About my height when I was their age.

I was still much taller than them, as always. I gave a silent sigh of relief. If I was twenty-two and shorter than them, God would that be mega embarrassing.

" Hey Kim!" Jim and Tim raced over to me and wrapped their arm's around my waist. I smiled nostalgicly. I missed these hugs.

" Wanna see the rocket we built while you were gone? We put it in your room, so when you open the door. . . watch out!" Jim exclaimed. I ruffled his hair.

" Same old tweebs," I said. " Could you take us to Mom and Dad so I can hug them?" The tweebs grabbed my hands and pulled me to our parent's.

" Kimmie Cub! There you are!" Dad, Mom, and I embraced tightly. I pulled Jim and Tim in with us to do a group hug. I found Ron and pulled him backwards towards me and my folks so we could go back to my house. I was stuck in the backseat with the tweebs on either side of me. Tim made it his mission to be as close to me as possible.

" Tim, move over! I'm being squashed!" I complained to my brother. I pulled his arms off me and locked them behind his back.

" Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Cut it out!" I let his wrist go, snickering. He glared at me. For some reason, Jim was just staring out the window. I raised an eyebrow. He actually looked peaceful and quiet for a change. Which wasn't like him.

I wonder what's wrong. I thought to myself.


When we got inside, I pulled the tweebs aside into my room. I rembered I had wanted to ask them something. They had always teased me when I had a crush. Time to return the favor.

" So, how is junior year going? Either of you have a girlfriend yet?. . . Or a boyfriend?" (Never know. Stuff can happen while your at college. Maybe one of them made a breakthrough about their perpetual love-lives.) Both of them looked at me like I was insane.

" What?! Never in a million years! Why would you even ask such a ridiculous question?" Was what Jim replied in a very nervous tone.

" No." said Tim, in a much calmer voice. I smirked and giggles with utter glee. Jim so had a crush. I wasn't sure about Tim though.

" I bet Mom and Dad haven't been good on advice. Want some help from me? I promise I won't tell." I asked Jim. He shrugged, and looked away.

" It's not like I actually like—"  I shrieked.

" OMG!!! You so like somebody! What's her. . . . Sorry, their name?" I cried out. Jim blushed wildly.

" You swear not to tell?"

" Never in a million years!" I said, winking at him. Jim smiled. " So what's the sitch?"

" Okay, so she's this athletic girl from our science class. She's a genius like us and she moved up. She moved to Middleton a year after you left for college. She's got ash-blonde hair that goes down to her hips.

(Sorry, I'm in a Rapunzel phase. Pretty much every new person I introduce to a story will be like a modern day Rapunzel. She's my favorite.)

She hasn't cut it in, like, ten years. She always has it up in a braid that goes over her shoulder. She has super pale skin and these intelligent blue eyes that so pale, they're almost like ice," Jim told me. He blushed while doing the in-depth description. I nodded.

" She sounds cute."

" She is. She really is. She's always making these clever comments. She high fives me whenever I impress her, which. . . doesn't happen often."

" Why's that?" I asked.

" Because. . . she so much smarter, she makes me look stupid by comparison. She's super strong and super agile. So she also beats me in that area, too. Not to mention, she's also super competitive. If I challenge her to anything, she'll say yes. I seriously think she can do anything." Jim's voice sounded a little lost now.

She was already pretty impressive when they first described. Plus, she's got smarts and strength, too?

It's like this flirty game that we have back and forth. Like any day, one of us is going to ask the other out, but neither of us has the courage to. I'm trying to find a way to ask her out, but I always get so tounge-tied around her.

And the worst part? She always seems so excited whenever I try, like she's hoping this will be the time I ask her out. I'm almost 97% sure she likes me too, but I just can't do it." Jim looked super embarrassed upon admitting this. I smiled at him. I reached down and ruffled his hair.

" Do you know where she lives?"

" Kim, what are you going to do?" Jim wondered, looking scared.

" I'm gonna get you to ask her out, by finding out what she's into, what she likes, what she dislike's, and most importantly; give you the absolute, for sure, 100%–that she likes you. You say she's the same age as you right? And she's super smart? I know just what to do."

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