Chapter 4: To Ask Out A Genius

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(Sorry about the super short chapter again guys. Trust me, it'll all be worth it when we get to the good parts.)

*Temportary: Kim Possible*

" Okay, So I know for absolute, positive sure that Kassandra is into you. You just have to pass the note, and that way you won't get supes embarrassed from trying to ask her. Go for it Jim." I told my little brother.

" If this works, I owe you big time Kim." Jim said as Tim pulled him into first period.

*Jim Possible*

The note was ready to be passed. I had finnally decided what I'd wanted it to say.

Hey Kassandra,

I know your way out of my league and stuff, becuase your super popular and everything, but I just wanted to know. . . wanna hang out sometime? Like, on a date? Be honest. I can take the heat. Even if you're the hottest star, I'm the coolest planet. (Sorry about space humor, I know you're a fan of astrology.)

I couldn't be more nervous if Kim had been captured by aliens and the only one who could rescue her was her clumsy boyfriend. Which did actually happen! I walked up to Kassandra in science class.

I slipped her a note and walked back to my desk. A few minutes later, a tap came on my shoulder. The person behind me passed me a note with the address of my desk on it. This was it. I opened it up. It beautiful handwriting, it said:

I've been waiting for you to do this all year, you doofus! I'll go, but on one condition. No more space jokes. Deal?


I looked across the room. I nodded harder than I'd ever nodded before. She grinned brightly. The next time I saw my sister, I swore to myself I would give her the longest hug I'd ever given her, which would probably about eight seconds. (It had never lasted more than five.)

When the school day finished, I found Kim talking with Ron.

"—And I really think they're gonna work out."

" No way. Never underestimate the power of naked mole rat." Rufus squeaked. I laughed and smiled at her.

" Oh. Hey, Jim." Kim noticed me and the look on my face. Her expression lit up.

" I'll be in the kitchen," said Ron. " C'mon, Rufus." Kim watched them leave and then turned back to me.

" How did it g—?" She didn't get to finish. I had already yanked her into a giant hug. She gasped slightly before wrapped her arms around me. " I'm gonna take that as it went really well." I waited a few more seconds before letting go. 

" You're the best, Kim. Thank you so much!" I told her.

" No prob. Helpings what I do." I grabbed my backpack off the ground and raced off to tell Tim.


Tim sat on his bed, staring down at a notebook filled with rocketry equations. He tapped a pencil against his cheek, glaring down at the formulas.

" Okay, the vectors are correct according to these graphics, but they're off by a hundrenth of a decimal point if I factor—Whoa!" I tackled him into the sheets, the papers flying up around us. I felt like screaming with glee.

" Sup, dude." I moved off of him and beamed.

" Dude, guess what?" He smirked.

" Hyperactivity, that giggly grin and your accelerated heartbeat all indicate; Kassandra said yes." I nodded.

" Yeah!"

" Awesome!" Tim grinned, elbowing me playfully. " So. . . when's the date?" I felt my cheeks burn.

" Tomorrow night. I got her phone number at the end of class." He held up his hands.

" Hicka-bicka-boo?" I slapped them, performing our secret handshake.

" Hoo-sha." We still have our own secret language. Childish wonder still exists in high school by the way, in case you were wondering.

" Still haven't grown up yet, huh?" A voice asked. We turned around. Kim and Ron stood in the doorway, smiling.

" My man! Nice going!" Ron offered me a high five, which I took him up on.

" Thanks."

" Kim told me about your date. Now, here are some tips from: Stoppable, Romancer of women everywhere." Kim rolled her eyes as she walked up to us. I grimaced.

" Oh jeez." I had to agree with my sister.

" Thanks anyway, Ron. You already have those tips to use on Kim, right?" Ron gulped and whirled to Kim.

" Calm down." Tim grinned and wrapped his arms around my neck and Kims.

" Good to have you back home, sis. Everything's exciting again." Kim smiled, placing her arm around his waist.

" Good to be back, dweeb."

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