Chapter 2

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I rested well. Mom and dad had made pancakes and bacon for breakfast. And I was up pretty early. Anna came running in to let me know mom and dad were going out, and it would just be us girls in the house all day and all night. YEAH! I loved being here alone. It was a big place. And we could do whatever we wanted. So I got up, put some skinny jeans and a black shirt with slits in the sleeves, and a pair of combat boots, there weren't really combat boots but they looked like them. I also slipped my hair up in a loose pony tail, my red/brown hair was so shiny and silky. It was more red than brown though. One reason I knew I wasn't their daughter. They were blonde. Except Anna she was brown headed. Probably because of dad's mom. I ran downstairs and told them goodbye, and then Anna and I decided, it was party time.

"What should we do first," She asked. HMM. I could do anything, but, I was going to suggest having a two girl party with music and food! And can't forget the swimming.

"We can have a two girl swimming party with music, and I'll order Chinese and pizza," I said. She smiled and clapped her hands as a child would do. I knew she'd love it. She loves food, and parties, and music.

"Okay, so what to do first," I asked. She folded her lips in, and thought on that for a moment.

"We could go swimming first," She said. I liked that. So I ran upstairs and got out my last season bikini. It was black. Of course. I put it on, and grabbed my red robe. I slipped it on, and ran back downstairs. Anna was ready with her bikini on, it was blue, she loved blue. I loved black and red, and sometimes I liked orange.

The party was starting, but it felt like, after an hour or so, we could use more people. So I called Leah and Jen and also Anna's two friends Piper and Tara. We figured with more girls, maybe we could have more fun. I loved chilling with my sister, but we did almost everything together. But with more girls around, maybe it would be a more, fun party.

As our friends arrived, so did a few other uninvited guests. I didn't know why Jen and Leah invited, boys to this party. Obviously they thought I was lonely and needed a boyfriend. But I was still young and didn't need anyone but myself and my family. Besides, after sleeping with someone I dated for a year, and pretty much regretting it, I didn't want to date anyone. I always felt better when being independent.

"Jen, as much as I love you and Leah both, I didn't say it was okay to have guys over, Mom and dad will me, only because of Anna," I said. These were college guys, and I wasn't comfortable with them being around, when I had a sixteen year old sister in a bikini. It wasn't right. And these were jocks no less. Strong muscular, and very obtuse.

"Relax Gabbie, we will watch over her, she will be fine, they are bone heads," Jen said. Like she would know, she seen muscle, nothing more. It takes more than a nice body, to be a good person, and being a jock did not mean they were not smart.

"Jen, I'm telling you if anything happens to my sister, and her friends, I will never speak to either of you again," I said. Jen laughed.

She was not being serious. She thought this was a joke. Pizza came, and Chinese too. Anna said she would get the door for them, while we were in the kitchen. I did not want to be rude to Jen and Leah, but they overstepped by bringing grown men in this house around horny teenage girls.

It had been a few minutes, and I had not seen Anna come back with the food. I was beginning to worry. Anna was taking to long. But out of the corner of my eye I catch a glimpse of Piper and Tara running into the kitchen, with fear upon their faces. I knew something was wrong. Something happened. And I did not know what. But I was worried about my sister. If they were running in, something was going on in the other room, and with Anna.

"What's wrong," I asked. Piper caught her breath.

"It's Anna, she's being attacked," Piper managed to get out. I ran as fast as I could, but my fear hadn't even began to come alive. Those jocks were knocked out cold. The pizzas were on the ground, and the Chinese boxes were thrown in the front room. And Anna was being held by her throat by a man in a cloak. What in the hell was this thing? Its face was burned, and red. Its hands looked, singed, with long fingers. There were not just 1 either, but two. What the hell were these things? Leah and Jen ran in and when they seen what was in my front room and the began to panic. One of those things spotted us, and I started to freeze, but then something in me, took over, and I became brave, courageous.

"Jen, run, Leah, everyone get out," I yelled to them. They refused at first, but they saw that thing getting closer, and they ran.  I became fearless, knowing that Anna was in danger.

"Ah, there she is, just the girl we've been looking for," The one coming towards me said. I gulped and stood strong. They smelled of smoke and burned flesh. But Familiar.

"Let her go," I said. The one holding Anna releases his grip from her, she ran out the back. They did not come for her, just me, but why?

"What do you want, what are you," I asked. But something was familiar about these two. They seemed awfully familiar to me. Like I had seen them before. It was as if I had crossed paths with them or read about them. They were not human for sure.

"You are a sight for sore eyes, we've been looking for you, a long time," The one that was now face to face with me said. I gulped again. What were they looking for me for?

"What do you want with me?"

"You, are special, very special, but you haven't figured that out yet, have you?" The second one asks. SPECIAL? What the hell did he mean by that?

"Who are you?"

"We are your worst nightmare, the things you dream about, that keeps you awake at night, the things you fear in the dark," He said. I was so confused. In that moment I just could not think. But I was scared, and I was worried. So, I closed my eyes. And I began to think of the gods, their strength, and bravery. What they would do if they saw these things. Whatever these were.

"We are still here your Highness," They said. Your highness? They just called me that?

"Wait, what did you call me?"

"You didn't know?" The second one asks.

"Know what?" I asked. They chuckled.

"Well, it makes our job easier, she hasn't an idea who she is," The first one says. They get closer. Fear creeps out inside me, and anger too. Something inside me just snapped. They wanted me dead but did not give me a reason. At that point I lost control of myself and when I opened my eyes, they were awfully close to my face, with a knife to my throat. I snapped.

They went flying, as fire came from the palms of my hands. I sent of those things both flying into the living room, breaking the glass table. When I came to my senses, I seen what I had done, did I do that? I made flames come from my hands! How did I do that? What the hell? One of them got up and ran towards me, I dodged him. He fell into the stairs. The other was cut up by glass and looked dead. But he was not, He got up, slowly, also running towards me, and tackled me to the ground. My head hit the floor, and a ringing sound echoed my ears. My stomach felt queasy as I grabbed the guy by his robe and threw him into the other one. I raised my hand and flames came flying at them hitting them so hard they burned up and fell to the ground. They were dead.

From behind me I hear Anna; she was freaking out and breathing hard. She could not believe what she had just seen. Her sister just killed two things, with what seemed to be power. I had power. But how? How did this happen? Just then, mom and dad walk through the door. They gasp in shock and look at me, and Anna. Anna is looking at me like I am a freak, or just a weird person. I could not help it. I did not know that was going to happen.

"Y-you, you have power, you, killed them," Anna said. Mom and dad looked at each other. They were not telling me something. What were the not telling me?

"Mom, dad, what is wrong with me?"

"It is time we tell you the truth."

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