Chapter 5

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Percy and Annabeth showed eventually. They were happy to meet me. Of course, they were, I was "Special" as some would say. I did not see how. I was terrified of a god that I admired at one time. He was my favorite, and I thought we were alike, but it turns out, he was crueler than I could imagine. I kept my distance from him regardless. He was maniacal, and plain cruel. That was the only word I could use. I hated him, with a fiery passion. I wanted to hurt him, in the way he did me. And I knew he would not understand that, but it was true. I wanted him to feel that pain, he put me through. To have someone you admire, talk down to you, make you rethink your whole existence. It was something for the books. I would get even, when my power finally came to me, all together, and I learned how to use it, I would get him back.

"So Gabrielle, Tell us how it felt to use your power for the first time," Annabeth asked me. I didn't really understand that question. How does anyone feel when they find out they are a half demi god and sorcerer? Did anyone know that feeling?

"To be honest, Scary, I was so afraid, I wanted to meet the gods for so long and when I finally did, one of them took my sisters heart, and the other one ripped mine out," I said. They looked at each other confused.

"Metaphor," I said. They really needed to get away from that camp for a while. Jokes about ripping your heart out seemed real to them. It was funny to me, but very real to them. Afterall it could happen.

"That was a scary metaphor, but what did you mean?" Percy asked.

"Well, My sister has been starstruck by Thor, He has come to like her too, and Loki has become an Ass, who threatened me because I talked down to him," I said. Annabeth laughed surprised.

"You talked down to Loki? Oh you poor girl, you'll be on his crap list for a while," She said, "But that was pretty brave of you."

"Yeah well, he thought I was to weak to defend myself against him, and when I did, he was pretty angry," I said. Percy snickered.

"He's a good person, he's just, like that, an ass I Mean, it's nothing personal, Annabeth had her feelings hurt by him, he's a dick," Percy said. No kidding. I already knew that.

"And the bad thing, I looked up to him, his sneaky and mischievous ways, they reminded me of me as a teenager, I was so bad as a teen, And I learned to manage it when I read about him, snappy comebacks, witty words, all from him," I said. Annabeth made a pouty face.

"That's so sweet, but up here, you have to put your guard up, especially with him, he's a god, and a sneaky one at that, remember, he's not impervious but he isn't taking the comebacks either, he has to be the one to have last word, and as far as Anna, She's young, I remember when Percy and I met, We trained and we picked at each other, and that's when we knew, she has feelings for Thor, you can't stop those," She said. Made sense. I guess I should let her make her own choices. Do what she wants, even if it involves Thor.

"She's happy, I guess I can't argue that, but Thor has barely said a word to me, and Loki has been an ass, but I did blame him for almost killing my sister, and it really wasn't his fault, well it kin of was," I stopped. The looked at me confused.

"He didn't tell us when humans took the portal up it almost rips their face off, she passed out, Thor had to carry her to the infirmary because I was to busy wanting to rip Loki's head off, and that wasn't very, sisterly of me," I said. I did regret it. Honestly, I wish time could turn back. If I hadn't been blaming Loki, I would have a friend in him. I pissed him off with my anger. He was emotional when it came to anger and rage.

"Just give it time, all things will cool down," Annabeth said. I smiled genuinely. Percy tapped Annabeth on her arm.

"I'm guessing we should go find our rooms now," He said looking at Hades who was waving them over. They must not have had certain rooms. If the stories were true, they fought with Odin and his sons against the demons. Before they invaded Olympia.

Annabeth and Percy left me by my self in the courtyard. Now would be a great time to explore the city or Asgard. Walking around would clear my head. I missed mom and dad. They raised me, loved me, didn't judge me. And for once I missed them. I took out the hologram device. I went behind a pillar. I opened the device. It took three seconds to get them on the line, they smiled. I held it with a fake smile. I was broken, I didn't want them to see me like that.  Mom and dad looked happy to see me. The were in tears with joy. They must've been worried about us. I was so grateful for them.

"Gabbie, Hey, is everything okay," Mom asked. I smiled.

"It's great, the city is beautiful, Anna has been swept off her feet by the god, Thor, and I am walking around viewing the city," I said. They smiled at me.

"We knew you were special, wait, Anna was swept off her feet, in what sense," Dad asked. I had not clarified.

"Well, when we came through the portal, it took a little bit off her, she fainted and Thor caught her, he took her to the infirmary, and they have been spending their time together since we got here, He likes her, she likes him, and I'm still me," I said. Mom grinned.

"Don't change for anyone honey, Have you met your real father," Mom said. I nodded.

"He's not dad, but he's okay, I think I may like him, but I will always love you two," I said. They chuckled.

"Honey, we know that, but he's your father, you can love us all," She said. I smiled. Always so positive about everything. They looked at me as if they knew.

"Honey is something wrong," Dad asked. He knew me, if anyone did, it was him.

"I'm just sad you're not here," I lied. Out of the corner of my eyes, I seen a glimpse of someone watching me, I was fairly sure I knew who it was.

"I have to go, I will call you guys tomorrow," I said. They smiled.

"We love you both, be careful, stay safe, and remember, we will be keeping you informed," mom said. Dad told me he loved me. I shut the compass. Loki stepped out from behind the pillar. I rolled my eyes and wiped what tears I did have streaming, away.

"You lie, that's not what's wrong," He said. Of course, god of mischief can spot a lie when he hears one. Great, more grief from him. He stepped in front of me.

"I apologize if I overstepped earlier, I was cruel and unjust, I know how hard it must be for you to discover you aren't mortal, I was not thinking of your feelings, I don't have any, it's hard for me, and I do apologize," He said. Did he just apologize to me? This was new.

"I was told recently, you admired me, my way of doing things, I should not have stepped on you, I am just, hard to get along with at times," He said. This was not Loki. Thor must have gotten in touch, or Annabeth. Being the daughter of the god of war has its advantages.

"Let me guess, Annabeth threatened you or told you this, Thor reminded you that you are my guardian, and you knew it was wrong so you thought you would tell me you were sorry, and I'd forget it. Do you realize, by letting others tell you that you need to be a little nicer to people, your apologies aren't genuine," I said. He bowed his head. And looked at me with a maniacal grin. Oh right, he's toying with me again.

"Okay, I'm done with the games, at this point, just leave me alone, you have no idea how to treat people, and if you think I am going to cower to you anymore you're wrong, I have power, power that would put yours to shame, and maybe I haven't unlocked it yet, but when I do, you had better watch you back," I stepped up closer, "Because I will be the princess of the underworld, and your worst fears, will be released upon you."

I walked away from him. It's funny, he didn't follow me this time. Instead, he disappeared. Annabeth was right, He thought he was all superior, and he wasn't. I smiled, proud of myself. I didn't have to be his punching bag, and I was not going to be.

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