Chapter 6

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It had been a week since we had been here. I called mom and dad every day. Anna still was not talking to me. And this was getting out of hand. My training with Hades seemed to be failing. I was not doing well. I think it was because my power was tied to my emotions. If someone were in danger, I would probably be better. I could do better. It took one time for someone to hurt my sister, and I flipped out, but just training, I think I was just not motivated enough. Annabeth had become my best friend. So, she was routing me on, but I just didn't feel motivated. Wearing these god-awful clothes, I wanted to wear leather, Loki wore leather, And I wanted to as well. I couldn't fight in this toga dress. Surely, they didn't think women could fight in these. If a man could fight in these, we would be great. They wore pants, given they weren't your average blue jeans, but they were pants. I told them of my situation, to which, they allowed me to change, into leather pants and a leather jacket to match, and leather boots. I got back in the arena and I couldn't do it. I was still at a stand still.

"I think we need motivation, Loki, get in the arena, be the dummy," Thor said, jokingly, but being serious. He knew I didn't like him. Loki looked at him like he gave him a bad haircut.

"Are you mad," He asked. Thor points to the arena where I am, Loki scuffs but does as his brother tells him. He doesn't have his helmet on, just his armor. Loki looked uncomfortable.

"Now, Annabeth, go to Loki, I want Loki to hold her hostage, don't hurt her, but just pretend to be, maybe that will motivate our fire friend," Thor said. Annabeth jumped from her seat and entered the ring. She walked to Loki, letting him grab her by the throat. His dagger comes to her throat. Hades leaves.

"I want you two to fight," Thor says. Me and Loki looked at him, and to each other. Was he insane? I can't fight Loki.... He was the god of Mischief; he could crush me right now. I think Percy liked the odds, he seemed rather cheerful. Smiling. Annabeth looked at me and nodded and winked. My ANGER. It would take over me and I would be able to ignite the flame.

"Alright, let's get this over with," Thor said. He knew what he was doing, I hope.

"Come on Gabbie, Let's go," Percy said clapping. Loki looked at me then placed the knife at Annabeth's throat making a small cut. She winced. But they knew what they were doing. Obviously they wouldn't put her In there if she couldn't hold her own, but he didn't just stop with that. He lifted her off her feet, mocking me.

"How does it feel Gabrielle, to know that you might not be able to save your friends, that your power is uncontrollable," He mocked me. He was truly a prick. Annabeth acted like she couldn't breath. She was wiggling to get away from. Percy began to yell, Thor was yelling, but Loki continued to poke. And that made me angry. I glared at him. He threw Annabeth down on the ground. She rolled out of the ring to Percy. Hades ran to her.

"He's insane," She said. He looked at her, she would be okay, but now it was time for me to give it back. And Loki was wanting this. He was crazy insane, and He knew I would be able to unlock something.

"How about the next victim," He said, He snaps his finger and suddenly Anna is in his grasp. Thor stands. I shook my head at him. He's taunting me. He's playing with me. Getting me angry. And once he seen the sparks flying from me, he throws Anna to Thor, who catches her. Hades ran to Thor.

"This is madness," He says. Loki grins Maniacally, he's messing with my head, unlocking that anger, fear, all of it.

I felt a spark in me, something I had never felt before. It was strong, more than it ever was before. Before I could think, Loki throws a purple light at me, I dodge it somehow. It's like my body knew. And I flipped backwards. I have never done gymnastics in my life, but my body was attuned to fighting. My power still wouldn't come like I flames, power, anything.

"You want to know what makes a good warrior, a powerful being, Gabrielle, Power, Strength, I will crush you like a bug," He said with a glare in his eyes.

That pissed me off. Something in me just, lost control. At first it was flames, in my hands, and then as he kept watching me it was more, It spread. It went up my arms, down to my legs, All over my body. Flames, nothing but flames. My eyes burning, I knew the were burning as well. I could see everyone, watching, waiting, something was going to happen. And if Loki weren't careful, it could be him. He threw a few more of those purple bolts at me, I dodged them, throwing flames back at him. My demigod side took over and I began fighting. My fist slammed into him, sending him more than fifty feet. Thor looked at him, helping him up. Loki wiped his mouth. It had been bleeding. I cooled myself, the flames dying. Loki looked at Thor.

"Is that what you wanted, for her to defeat me, because if so, you have your wish, she's opened up," he said. He looked like he was angry, but he was not picking a fight with me. Percy and Annabeth joined me, as did Hades. I didn't mean to hurt anyone. Maybe I was uncontrollable. Annabeth grabs my arm.

"Hey, that was amazing," She said. I nod. She notices the sudden distance. Loki looks at me and I catch his gaze. He looked unhappy. He looked terribly upset. Then it hit me, I was dangerous and out of control. I began to feel a pang of guilt. Annabeth tried to grab me again but after seeing Loki look at me that way, I could not keep this up, I ran. I ran out of the Arena, And into the courtyard. I didn't stop.

I ran past guards, and other people. They were yelling after me, I just could not do this. I needed to be locked away, for my own safety, and others. I ran into the castle, and into the dungeons. I wasn't going to let anyone else get hurt. One of the guards looked at me confused. What could I say to convince him to lock me away? They knew I was a guest, they knew I was needed.

"I attempted to Kill Prince Loki, I need to be locked away for their safety," I said. He looked at his other guards. The laughed.

" I'm not joking, I just about killed him, and I can't control it," I said. They sighed.

"We can't lock you up, we have strict orders to leave you be, now if you don't mind, we are on duty," One of the guards said.

That made me mad, but I couldn't make them lock me up, so what could I do? Anna would never talk to me now. That was awful.  I was not able to control it. And I knew that, even if no one else knew that. Something had to be done. So the only thing I knew I could do, is tell Thor to lock me away, or portal back home, unless Anna didn't see me as a threat. I ran to my room, with anger, and fear. I cried and cried. I was a monster. This was getting worse. The first time I was fearful but now I was scared to death. I couldn't control it and that's what I feared. I paced the room, not knowing what to do. There was a knock at my door. I turned to see Anna walking in.

"Gabbie, I know you feel scared of what happened, and I haven't been there for you, and I sorry about that, I know you have a lot going on, but I just wanted to say, what you did, that was amazing, and Loki deserved it," She said. I looked at her in shock. She liked that I hurt him.

"He has been an ass since we got here, and he deserved it, it was a scratch, but he deserved it, And I am sorry for how I talked to you, I should have understood how you felt, so before you go packing up and leaving, remember that I am truly sorry, and I love you," She said, coming in. I smiled and wrapped her in a hug.

"I love you to Anna," I said. That made me feel better about everything. And she was right he deserved it, and he may have been mad, but he did deserve what he got. Now he knew not to mess with me. And that's all I could ask for.

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