Dr. Hemmings(Huke Lemmings Part 2)

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Sinking down into a warm bath you sighed in relief. The warm water soothing your sore legs from your earlier endeavors. The lavender scented bubble bath you added was extremely helpful in your goal of relaxation. 

You had texted Luke and he told you he’d be at your place by 7pm. Which gave you plenty of time to get ready considering it was only 5. Luke didn’t tell you where it was he was planning on taking you but he had told you to dress nicely. So you laid out what you had planned on wearing before hopping in the bath. 

Deciding on a pair of leggings with a nice blouse that had a lacy back along with a pair of boots. But your outfit wasn’t what you were worried about. You knew what was to come after the date and that’s what you wanted to be prepared for. So you picked out your matching lace, creme colored underwear and bra. 

Slipping further into the bath the water came up just to cover your shoulders dampening your hair in the process. The only more relaxing thing you could think of would be having a massage right now. But your thoughts were stirring about Luke’s plans for later. The fact he told you, ‘be ready for later.’ Got you extremely excited. A knock on the door pulled you from your thoughts. 

Opening your eyes you stared at your iPod dock to see the time. It was only 5:45. There was another knock at the door. No way it could be Luke, must be a neighbor. Or maybe the package you’d order from online. Either way they could wait. You were busy preparing yourself for your later adventures. A third knock on the door finally irritated you enough to get out of the bath and answer it. 

"I’m coming i’m coming!" You yelled as you wrapped a towel around your body. 

A trail of wet footprints followed behind every step you took. Leading straight to your front door. Unlocking it you poked your head out so whoever it was couldn’t see you in your towel. 

"Yes?" You questioned before even looking at who it was. You just wanted to get back in your bath so you could get ready. 

"[Y/N]?" The familiar deep voice sent shivers down your spine. 

"Luke?" You looked up only to be met with those gorgeous blue eyes from earlier today. "I thought you said 7 why are you here? I’m not ready I was taking a bath." 

"I texted you saying i was coming earlier. I um, ran a little late at work and if i had went home to get ready i would’ve been late for 7 so i just decided to come earlier rather than later because i didn’t want to make you wait again." Luke scratched the back of his neck with his hand. 

Now taking in his appearance you noticed he was in the same black pants and white button up as earlier, minus the lab coat. His broad shoulders seeming more prominent clearly making it seem that holding you on his shoulders the way he did wasn’t really a struggle for him. His hair was quiffed back up to its perfect previous state before your moment in the office. Although you were upset you weren’t ready it was sweet that he was thinking of you like that. 

"Oh, thanks." You mumbled. "Come in. I’ll try to be quick." You backed away opening the door for him to walk in. 

"No rush take your time i understand." He smiled. 

"Help yourself to anything in the kitchen." You gestured with your hand as you walked back into the bathroom. 

Pulling out the drain plug you sighed. How could you not have seen his text? At least he was understanding. Wiping your feet better on the floor mat so you wouldn’t leave anymore footprints throughout your house, you turned off the light and left the bathroom. 

"Your place is nice." He said as he took a sip from a glass of water he’d gotten himself. 

"Thanks." You blushed tucking a piece of wet hair behind you ear. "Shit," you mumbled under you breath realized you forgot to get a hair towel. 

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