Ch. 6

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Sorry for not updating in a while, and thanks for 123 views!

Setsuna POV

Mirai's been with us for six months already. The whole class is going to the mall tomorrow

"Set! Watch out!" Kendo exclaimed, perking me back to reality.

Pony's horns grabbed me as I was about to be hit by one of the boys who were playing games.

"Oh, thanks Pony, I must've been daydreaming," I chuckled.

"Boys!" Kendo shouted, trying to grab their attention.

"It's no use Kendo, they aren't paying attention any time soon," Yanagi chuckled.

Suddenly, Kodai grabbed a miniature speaker thingy with a microphone. I saw Mirai gape at what Kodai was holding. Apparently, Kodai carries a lot of stuff around with her but all miniature sized and working.

She handed it to Kendo, and made it big.

"BOYS!" Kendo's voice thundered. I shuddered at the thought of hearing that in my sleep.

All the boys looked at her.

"Good, let's go to the mall," she just explained, and the boys started gathering their stuff.

Juzo joined Mirai and Me waiting for him at the benches.

"Let's go?" He asked.

We seperated going in groups of two's or threes

We were looking at the boom store when Mirai spoke up,

"Why not go to the cafeteria?" 

We nodded, realising we were hungry.

As Mirai was the first to step out of the store, she was pushed by a Boulder hitting her in the shoulder.

"MIRAI!" Juzo and I shouted.

Mirai POV

I stepped out of the shop as a Boulder hit me.

Muffled shouts everywhere, as my head fuzzed black.

Juzo POV

Tokage and I slid on our knees, shouting Mirai's name. I crouched down to hear her heart. "It's still beating," I muttered.

Tokage exhaled a sigh of relief before pushing me and Mirai to the side.

"Wha? Tokage!" I exclaimed.

"Heh, don't worry Juzo, I'm here. Though I wonder who launched the Boulder," she replied, standing up and dusting debris of her clothes.

I nodded and ran ahead.

A man covered in giant boulders, holding jewellery, a hostage, and throwing his "skin" everywhere. 

I spotted an old woman, probably blind, staggering away from the villain.

I used the sand to make the woman come near me fast, but she slipped through the soft sand. I then struggled and got the woman from the soft ground.

As I looked up from the woman, I saw a Boulder face me.

As I embraced the woman, another Boulder hit the one about to hit me.


 "Juzo! Are you okay?!" Tokage exclaimed, before rushing towards me and the old woman. 

I nodded, after feeling a bruise on my head.

Tokage groaned as she saw Mirai getting up.

"Mirai! No!" Tokage and I shouted at the same time.

"It's okay!" She hissed back, she turned into the giant Boulder, and started throwing rocks at him.

Mirai POV

Argh! The pain!

"Set!" I shouted 

She vigorously turned her head in my direction, causing me to scream out because her head was gone.


"MIRAI! DONT WORRY! I can still see you!" She shouted.

"Oh, right," I muttered, thinking me an idiot.

Tokage POV

I threw my arm and eye so that I could get Mirai's pills. 

"Got it!" I shouted.

My eye and hand went to Mirai, and slowly kept placing every fifteen minutes.

"Tokage!" Honenuki shouted. "What?!" I replied.

"MIRAI'S OUT!!" He yelled, I turned to see Mirai almost get hit by a boulder, then grabbed the collar of her shirt and pulled her aside.

"Distract him while I rescue other people!" I shouted back. He nodded and I went to work

There, chapter 6, ch. 7 coming out soon

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