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There is something about the color green,

That keeps me focused and so keen.

Like the color of the dancing leaf,

Which grows near the beautiful hanging cliff.

It is the color of freshly cut grass,

Which while walking I often trespass.

The smell of which puts me in a trance,

And is deadly amazing in just a glance.

It is the color that represents tranquility,

Which shows a human's peace keeping ability.

As being calm is the ultimate goal,

And the only thing bringing peace to our soul.

It is the color of attaining good luck,

And all the bad omens out of our life we chuck.

The one that we find in a leaf of clover,

That we keep with us as a charm forever.

It is the color associated with our beloved health,

On that is even greater than all the wealth.

For being as fit as a fiddle is the main concern,

With all the Vices and diseases yet to burn.

It is the color of being completely and utterly jealous,

And having feelings of hatred it keeps compelling us.

For jealousy is one of the most abhorred seven sins,

That resides deep and buried in our very skins.

It is the calmest color of all,

And for our healing we call.

One that helps drive away all our deepest fears,

And free us from shedding any more tears. 

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