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All our life starting from our childhood to our adulthood we have always believed that everything will stay the same, that the things around us and people around us will remain constant. But as we started to live our lives we have come to a realization that nothing is the same, that everything changes if not now then sometime later. We have had thoughts of what we will do if things change but we never thought that things would really change. For us, everything staying the same was the only dream. Due to this we have been accustomed to everything being the same old that we have known since we entered in this world. We dont accept even if a single thing seems out of place i.e we dont do well with change. Imagine this: we have been born in one city and grown up with our friends and neighbours that live right next to us. We have always greeted them in the morning while collecting our newspapers and milk. They are used to us coming to their homes when we are in need of anything. Our friends with whom we have spent our entire childhood always rings our door at 5 in the evening just as a reminder to go outside and play with them. We have grown together and have always been for each other, supported each other through rough times and have shared a lot of happy times. There was never a day we didn't involve them in our daily lives. A minute without them feels like an eternity. We have come so far that we have never took a decision without their help or their presence. We can't imagine a life without them. We have never been good at staying away from each other. Suddenly a day arrives we get the worst news of our lives. Their life is going downhill and they have lost their family member and because this environment is unstable for them they have to move away from here. This time they don't have any say on staying here or asking us if they should leave, its inevitable and none or nothing can change it. We are taken down the memory lane and we start to slowly shed tears and our worst fears are taking reality. The goodbyes that we feared the most have unfortunately arrived. With everything that's going in our heads like how are we going to cope with their absence when we cant even spend one moment apart? The farthest we had ever been was when they went to visit their relatives that stay a block down from us. We had always planned to complete our education together and go for a trip with them. It never occurred to us that one of us had to leave the other. We could call each other and stay in touch but it wont be the same. How and when did things change so fast? We still had a lot to do together. Now who will ring our bell at 5 everyday or who will enter unannounced in the home and drag us out by our legs just we are feeling down and they know just what we need? What if the new people that move into their house are not like them and we wont get along? How will we survive the distance? In this mess of questions we forget that they are moving away not leaving us. We cant seem to accept the fact that everything needs to change in order to make things fine. We are stuck in the never -ending cycle of the life we knew ever since we have lived there. But it doesn't mean that we are losing that person or leaving them behind. They are and always will be with us till the end they just are needed someplace else right now. On the bright side, we will grow together by being apart and will find new people as well. We are just exploring new things in life doesn't mean we forget the old ones. We are still sticking with them when we are in trouble and in need. So really change is not that bad. And in total honesty change is the only constant.

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