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The stages of grief are universal and are experienced by people from all walks of life during different times and for different duration. It's human nature to mourn when a person has lost someone important in their life, succumbed to terminal illness and have seen enough deaths. The journey through these five stages is subjective to the loss that they have faced along with it's intensity. The very first stage is denial and isolation. Its very common for people to separate themselves from their life and surroundings when they first receive the news. They may preferred to be left alone but thats the time that they need someone the most but deny help. They cant seem to accept the fact the a moment ago everything was perfect and now their whole world has shattered right in front of them. For some people this a temporary stage and come out of it in a quick span of time but for some it feels as if its going to take an eternity to even stop denial. It causes a person to hide- from their selves from their family and from the world. Everything seems so hazy to them that they don't even realise how long its been since they have even moved from a single spot. They shut themselves out from everyone and everything and even the things that brought peace to them no longer seem to be of any help. Its like they were outside of a bubble their entire lives and now all of sudden they are finding it difficult to stay without one and want to be isolated from others. They start to think how useless life seems and there is this ocean of pain that isn't constant but it comes in waves and washes everything on the surface. For them the reality that used to be of their life seems like a bad dream or a cruel joke. Its like someone is stabbing them in their heart with 1000 knives. Their dreams become their temporary reality and makes them see and feel things that may cause them to turn from a sane person to an insanely quiet person. There are so many things that they are willing to utter but it feels as if they have lost their voice and the waves of pain crash onto them washing everything from their mind. 

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